Sunday, October 6, 2024

Wedding Weekend in LA

Mom and dad had a high school friend getting married in LA and thankfully Mimi was able to watch the kids for a long weekend so we could go. We filled our days with sunshine and hit up all the hot spots in Pasadena including City Hall, Old Town, Huntington Library and Gardens and Easton Canyon. We logged around 20k steps a day which we needed to take care of all the yummy food we ate!

But the highlight of the trip was seeing Chad and Leah get married and catching up with some high school friends. Between living thousands of miles a part and being in a busy stage of life raising kids, it is a challenge to see everyone so having a few days together was a blessing. It was a beautiful wedding and we are sure these two have a wonderful life ahead of them!

Monday, September 30, 2024


September provided more golf opportunities for dad (watching and playing) though he was able to get some actual work in as well. The boys have been really enjoying playing baseball together and thankfully haven't had too many sibling fights on the field. Thankfully everyone has settled in to their Fall routines and is doing well at school.

Avery (10 years, 1 month) - Avery continues to enjoy school and tennis. She continues to grow up a bit showing more opinions about her hair/clothes but also enjoys taking on some household activities like shopping and helping pick up. She is always down for playing with friends and enjoys finding ways for the boys to fight over her attention.

String cheese contest.... Avery won

Parker (12 years, 10 months) - Parker played lots of baseball with his two teams and continues to enjoy cross country. He is settling in well to 7th grade, it is definitely more work than last year but he is keeping up and enjoying it. But mainly enjoys seeing his friends at school.

Proud of his fried rice cooking

Carter (14 years, 4 months) - Carter had a few fun activities between baseball games this month. Our YMSL chapter performed an Ultimate Gift activity benefiting the Mighty Eight which is a local veterans organization. We cleaned up a plaza at their museum and took verbal testimonials from Veterans. In addition to the manual labor, the boys performed the interviews, handled the equipment and produced the videos. Lovett also held their 9th grade retreat taking the grade to Camp Coleman for a bonding experience with their advisories.

Carter running the mic

Siblings - There was lots of baseball including watching the boys, the boys playing and watching the Braves. Dad also took the bookends to the North Georgia Fair. And we all did a paint bomb escape room activity. The boys escaped while the girls didn't (but were quite close). Much to Parker's chagrin, the boys decided to get paint bombed anyway!

Parker and I joined Avery for a lunch on his day off from school