We have been busy the past 3 weeks so it was nice to have a weekend "off". The biggest news of the weekend was that we moved Carter to his crib on Friday night. It was quite emotional for mom but Carter was a big boy and slept just like normal.
As for the rest of the weekend, Carter seems to be going through his 3 month growth spurt so he spent a lot of the weekend sleeping and eating.

He spent a lot of time in his play gym. He is doing a better job with using his hands. He now moves his arms towards the animals on his play gym and then grabs them. That usually keeps him occupied for around 10 minutes or so and then he starts flailing around again.

He is still a little charmer and loves smiling, talking and being held.

As for the adult weekend plans, on Saturday night we went to dinner and then Dialog in The Dark with the Whitney's. First, Carrie is an adorable pregnant lady. I was sad I didn't have my camera for a picture. Second if you are in Atlanta you should check out that exhibit. It is an hour long simulation of being blind. I was a little overwhelmed, mainly because I kept getting myself stuck but Colin loved it!
On Sunday, Colin went to play golf with the boys. Our friend James came by to carpool and finally got meet Carter. I have to say James was a natural with him.

Happy Sunday everyone!