Monday, August 30, 2010

Random Pictures

It's been a week since I posted anything and I realized it has been a VERY long time since I shared some of the random pictures of Carter I take each day. So here is 5 weeks in the life of Carter. Reader's Digest version: Sleep, Eat, Poop, Play.... Repeat! Enjoy!

Carter has been weaning himself off his paci only to turn to his hands.
Waving bye to mom as he heads out to daycare
Practicing for the show choir at daycare
I love my paci!
Watching Sports Center like a big boy Go Braves!

Sleeping with Red Dog

Playing with Grandma ScottJust like dad, always wanting to go faster
Father and Son
All tangles up in mom's old baby blanketLittle baby in a big bedReady for schoolSleeping with momCarter the airplane"Hi" dadPlaying in his jumperHello worldSleepy babyNice bib kid =) Playing the piano

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Weekend Update

We have been busy the past 3 weeks so it was nice to have a weekend "off". The biggest news of the weekend was that we moved Carter to his crib on Friday night. It was quite emotional for mom but Carter was a big boy and slept just like normal.

As for the rest of the weekend, Carter seems to be going through his 3 month growth spurt so he spent a lot of the weekend sleeping and eating.

He spent a lot of time in his play gym. He is doing a better job with using his hands. He now moves his arms towards the animals on his play gym and then grabs them. That usually keeps him occupied for around 10 minutes or so and then he starts flailing around again.
He is still a little charmer and loves smiling, talking and being held.
As for the adult weekend plans, on Saturday night we went to dinner and then Dialog in The Dark with the Whitney's. First, Carrie is an adorable pregnant lady. I was sad I didn't have my camera for a picture. Second if you are in Atlanta you should check out that exhibit. It is an hour long simulation of being blind. I was a little overwhelmed, mainly because I kept getting myself stuck but Colin loved it!

On Sunday, Colin went to play golf with the boys. Our friend James came by to carpool and finally got meet Carter. I have to say James was a natural with him.
Happy Sunday everyone!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Growing up So Fast

It's amazing how quickly babies grow up! Carter loves looking around at bright colors and moving objects. He has excellent head control. He likes to chat, "a goo" is his current favorite word. He is now in the 2nd row at daycare (the cribs are put in order by babies' age). Yesterday he located the rings in his crib and played with them for an hour. And today when mom picked him up from daycare he was in the Exercauser! I walked right by him and his teacher had to point him out. Well mom and dad were inspired so we decided to put Carter in his jumper at home. He had a great time looking at the mirror, making faces at mom and dad and playing with his ring chain.

Here are a few pics of our cutie pie!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sightseeing and Back to Atlanta

We spent our last day in Colorado doing a little sight seeing before heading back East.

We drove West from Lyons to Estes Park and stopped for a quick photo op.
We then got back in the car and headed farther West to Rocky Mountain Park. When we got out of the car, Carter was sound asleep. He didn't move an inch!
So we decided to head further into the park to check out the views. It was gorgeous! Around mid day we headed to the airport for our flight home. First we grabbed some lunch while Carter snoozed.

Unfortunately our flight was delayed several hours so mom and dad spent quite a while walking around the Denver airport trying to keep Carter entertained. He did sleep for a little bit.
Once we got on the plane Carter did fairly well. He slept a little and then watched Fraggle Rock on dad's computer.

He got a little fussy as we began our dissent into Atlanta but he was fairly easy to calm down. Not quite as good as the trip to Denver but still a solid B performance.

It was a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Hootenanny of a Good Time!

We woke up Saturday and Carter was ready for fun! So he and mom took a drive around Lyons and then came back to meet dad for lunch.

Then it was time to get dressed up for the festivities. The invitation said shoes and teeth optional so Carter donned his Western gear, threw on a few teeth, left the shoes at home and classed up the ensemble with a tie.
Here is a close up.
The tie was almost as long as Carter.
Carter and dad hanging out pre-wedding.
Carter and mom pre-wedding.
The whole family.
Soon the wedding began. It started with the running of the children, literally, to the William Tell Overture.
Then the team precession began, complete with traditional high-fives and butt slaps.
The ceremony was very touching.
After the wedding, everyone headed to the reception tent to partake in the 15 different varieties of home brew, all supplied by the bride and groom.
Carter and dad had fun hanging out.
Soon the first band began. Kevin surprised his bride by hiring one of her favorite bluegrass bands, Chatham County Line to perform. They were excellent!
After the first band, the Sigma Chi's showed off their singing skills with the traditional Sweetheart song.
Then everyone enjoyed a good BBQ dinner and homemade whoopie pies and rice krispie wedding cake.

Then the second band started (yes this was an all day a fare). Mom and dad took a walk around the pond to give Carter some entertainment. It was a beautiful location with the mountains in the background.
All smiles while listening to Bluegrass and discussing how nice it would be to live in Colorado!
Megan's homemade dress was complete with glow sticks that when turned on, really got the party started.
Carter was pooped from all the fun so mom took him off to bed.
While the fun continued all night long.
Congrats Kevin/Megan! It was an amazing wedding and we're so thrilled for both of you!