Later in the day, Grammie came by and we headed out to the Neighborhood Halloween Party. Colin was so excited he put on his first costume of the day.
Mom and Dad grabbed some pizza and left Carter with the a nice looking babysitter...Carter wasn't so sure about his qualifications. 
After lunch, it was back outside....
where Carter put on his Dinosaur suit and played on the jumpies.
A rare family picture!
We then headed over to the playground where Carter had his first trip on a slide.
He had so much fun, he took a few rides with dad.
where Carter put on his Dinosaur suit and played on the jumpies.
We then headed home where Colin changed into his Dilbert outfit and we got Madie and Brie in their pumpkin and dinosaur outfits. We had a fun night greeting trick-or-treators and chatting with the neighbors. After several bags of candy, we called an end to a fun filled day.