Friday, November 26, 2010

Carter's Party

When mom and dad woke up this morning they heard a lot of ruckus coming from Carter's room. When they walked in they couldn't believe what they saw.....

Carter was throwing a party and invited all his friends! When Carter saw mom and dad he hid amongst his friends because he didn't want to get in trouble.
This being his first major indiscretion, mom and dad said it was ok.
Carter was very surprised that he wasn't in the doghouse.He immediately told all his friends the good news.Carter was VERY happy with the news...And spend the rest of the morning playing with his pals. Stay tuned... you just might receive an invitation to Carter's next party!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Jones'

For Turkey dinner we went over to Grammie's house to see the Jones family. Carter had so much fun being passed around and meeting his extended family. Before dinner he played with the other kids, well Uncle Micheal isn't really a kid but he sure does act like one! Carter thought he was pretty fun.But his favorite relative was probably cousin Samantha. She played lots of games with Carter, helped show him off...and even made him a super cool Indian hat that matched hers. We old people got to be the Pilgrims. Grammie borrowed the Indian hat to get in on the fun with Grannie. But they had the most fun while hanging out with their grandchildren!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from the Holden's! We are Thankful for our wonderful friends and family, two adorable puppies and a precocious kitty, all the fun weddings and events to look forward to next year, and most importantly this bubbly little boy with the cutest 2 teeth grin!

6 Months - Week 3

The week started out with a new treat for Carter... breakfast. It was Carter's first time having oatmeal and he loved it from the start. Literally the kid can't get enough.
After breakfast it was off to the Orthodics department for an update on Carter's head. His proportion improved from last time but is still in the mild/moderate category. We decided to keep watching to see how things progress so we go back at the end of December. Carter figured that was an ok decision.
Friday night we went to the Tech game and Carter made a new friend...
He wasn't too sure about the giant bug but he was glad that Tech won.
Saturday was more Tech fun as Carter got to go to the last home game of the year. He made sure to look cool for the occasion.Or look goofy, just like dad!On Sunday, mom threw a baby shower for Carey Holbrook and Carter's future play friend Charlie. So dad took Carter to the zoo for some father/son bonding.
Overall it was a fun week for Carter. He has developed quite the appetite and has eaten every thing we have given him. There are some days where it seems like he would rather eat his food than take a bottle!
He often tries to hold his bottle but he hasn't quite mastered the art of tipping it up so he can get anything out.
However, he has become and expert at locating his paci and putting it in his mouth.
One of our favorite developments is Carter's sleep schedule. He is now sleeping for 10 hours straight at night which is AMAZING! He enjoys having lots of friends to spend all that time with,
Last but not least, Carters second tooth made an appearance this weekend. His other bottom tooth popped through. Unfortunately it has been a bit more painful for him than the first but he is still a happy, smiley baby!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

6 Months - Week 2

Week 2 started out pretty rough for little man. Thursday, Carter came down with a nasty Stomach bug that was going around daycare. After a late night trip to the Emergency room, some anti-nausea medicine, pedialite and 5 days of recovery, Carter was as good as new.
Despite the tummy troubles, we still got in some fun. Friday was Carter's 2nd swimming class. He was a great student!
On Saturday, Grammie gave mom and dad a break and we headed to the Tech football game.
Unfortunately Carter's germs caught up to mom, dad and Grammie and we all came down with the tummy bug later that weekend. Despite feeling crummy, we took Carter to meet Santa for the first time. After a good beard tug, Carter determined that the old guy was ok.
After the very active weekend, Carter was still a little out of sorts on Wednesday but that didn't stop him from hitting up the Tech basketball game. Though I wouldn't say he actually saw much of the game... at the gameway home from the game...
In between at the activities, Carter had a typical baby week. He practiced his standing and walking.
He thinks he's REALLY cute when he's showing off.Little man has also become quite the roller. He actually enjoys spending time on his tummy and will roll around at will. This is giving him some mobility which Maddie isn't too sure about.
Finally, Carter picked up a new trick this week. He likes to make a "B" sound, pushes his lips together and blows. I'm not sure if this is related to our bubble blowing practice at swim class but it is very funny and messy. Notice the drool below...
It was a rough week for little man but he was a trooper through it all!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

6 Months - Week 1

In addition to all the other fun activities going on during the week, Carter had a fun week growing up. He spend lots of time playing with his favorite new toy... his feet.
And when his hands weren't busy with the toes, they were definitely in his mouth. We are sure more teeth are coming soon!

Carter had a fun time with his puppies. He loves watching them play and wrestle. He also loves when Madie gives him kisses. Brie is still trying to decide what she thinks of her little brother.
Carter is still working on that sippy cup. He mostly chews on the nipple but he likes holding it himself.
It was a fun first week with our little man!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Moving On Up

Today was Carter's last day in the infant room at daycare. He is moving up to the Crawler Room with the 6-9 month olds. He spent his last day saying "Good Bye" to his friends and his teachers. He also spent some time in his favorite daycare spot, the exercauser.Carter is a "causing" fool!Carter had a great day and got lots of stickers om his daily report!
We are sad to leave the infant room but excited for all the new adventures Carter will have in his new space!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Go Panthers!

Continuing our indoctrination of Carter to college athletics, we hit up the Dome today for the last home game of Georgia State's inaugural season.
It was a new experience going to a college game at the dome. The afternoon started great as a nice man gave us two tickets outside. The had fun areas set up for pictures!
Once we got in dad was able to get a beer and they had unlimited popcorn buckets. What more could one want? There was definitely a Tech connection as the band played most of the same songs and apparently GSU's Alma mater is to the same tune as Lovett's.
GSU was playing Lamar from Beaumont, TX. Neither team was very polished which made for a nail biter of a game!
Carter made sure to help cheer the team on whenever he could.
He did have to take a break for a short rest after all the yelling, but he made sure to time it over halftime so he wouldn't miss much of the action.The game was back and forth and came down to the last play. Lamar had the ball at GSU's 20, 3rd down, 20 seconds left and needed a touchdown to win. They had driven down field very efficiently in under a minute. Carter was concerned....
Luckily after two incomplete passes to the endzone, GSU won! Carter was excited!

I think it was all due to Carter's cheering skills!