Week 2 started out pretty rough for little man. Thursday, Carter came down with a nasty Stomach bug that was going around daycare. After a late night trip to the Emergency room, some anti-
nausea medicine,
pedialite and 5 days of recovery, Carter was as good as new.
Despite the tummy troubles, we still got in some fun. Friday was Carter's 2
nd swimming class. He was a great student!

On Saturday,
Grammie gave mom and dad a break and we headed to the Tech football game.

Unfortunately Carter's germs caught up to mom, dad and
Grammie and we all came down with the tummy bug later that weekend. Despite feeling crummy, we took Carter to meet Santa for the first time. After a good beard tug, Carter determined that the old guy was

After the very active weekend, Carter was still a little out of sorts on Wednesday but that didn't stop him from hitting up the Tech basketball game. Though I wouldn't say he actually saw much of the game... at the game

way home from the game...

In between at the activities, Carter had a typical baby week. He practiced his standing and walking.

He thinks he's REALLY cute when he's showing off.

Little man has also become quite the roller. He actually enjoys spending time on his tummy and will roll around at will. This is giving him some mobility which Maddie isn't too sure about.

Finally, Carter picked up a new trick this week. He likes to make a "B" sound, pushes his lips together and blows. I'm not sure if this is related to our bubble blowing practice at swim class but it is very funny and messy. Notice the drool below...

It was a rough week for little man but he was a trooper through it all!