Not really sure what anyone is looking at in the aviary, but Carter's fingers sure are tasty
Carter has been showing more confidence and interest in the animals at home lately, so Mom and Dad decided he was ready for the big show, into the petting zoo Carter went.
Carter wanted to take his time getting acclimated to all the new animals that he could touch and feel, so he started out slow by watching all the children and animals from the back corner for a few minutes
But we were soon full of confidence and curiosity so we started to venture into the fray
We even wore our booties to make sure our feet stayed clean
After saying hello to a few goats, a pig, and a sheep (even scaring one off after we gave a big hair pull). We were pretty pooped, so we headed home wondering what to do tomorrow

Mom and Dad were both a bit nervous having Carter on the swings, but immediately that changed to uncontrolled smiling and happiness as Carter could not stop laughing every time the swing went back and forth.
The best part was when Dad started pushing from behind, every push let out a huge giggle
Luckily Mom and Dad had a few ideas of what to do on Sunday, and they finally decided to take Carter to the park down the road. We took our time walking around the jungle gym with Mom and watching the other older kids playing, but then came the fun. Carter's first time on the swings!
Mom and Dad were both a bit nervous having Carter on the swings, but immediately that changed to uncontrolled smiling and happiness as Carter could not stop laughing every time the swing went back and forth.
The best part was when Dad started pushing from behind, every push let out a huge giggle
Mom followed it up with a foot tickle and Carter's laughing was non-stop