Saturday, February 28, 2015


February was a busy month with trips, sports, holidays and a birthday celebration.
Happy 30-something mom!
Avery (6 months) - Little sister is trying to grow up on us.  We have started some solids and she enjoys them from time to time.  Sleep has been fleeting as she seems to be in the early stages of teething and prefers to snuggle with mom/dad.  She is a very happy baby and adores her brothers/teachers.  She has started enjoying playing with toys and loves to interact with the "baby" she sees in the mirror.  Here are a few pictures of our sweetheart.
Embarrassed she showed up to a party in matching outfits
Eating involves strong concentration
Working on her sitting skills

Parker (3 years, 3 months) - Parker definitely meets the qualities of the "Threenager" label.  He is a huge sweetheart but incredibly emotional.  He always prefers to do just what he wants.  He has enjoyed having more of an identity separate from his brother with soccer and his own friends.  But he always wants to do what "Carger" does.  He is incredibly doting on Avery and is developing quite the whit.  He loves spelling his name and recognizing letters.  And he can't wait to go to "Number 7 Georgia Tech Kindergarten" next year ;)
Celebrating Avery's half birthday
Birthday party face paint - Batman because that is what Kieran picked
Hanging with the princess cow, Kieran, and the birthday girl Brooke-Ivy
Birthdays at Chick-fil-A rock!
So do mom birthdays at home

Carter (4 years, 9 months) - Big brother seems to have grown up so much from last month.  He has become quite the expert with "Thank you", "Please", "Mom I love You" and other unsolicited polite phrases, not to mention being a model good sport in Basketball.  He is liberal with his hugs and kisses which we cherish for as long as he will give them.  
Building magnatile towers
Fun with school friends
Super Hero Crew - Shaun, Carter and Andre
Photo bombing Jake
Making green pizza at Andre's birthday party
Siblings - With the cold weather, the kids had lots of time to hang out this past month.  The boys are best buds and they are incredibly sweet and considerate with Avery.  They are always very proud of their baby and she lights up when they give her attention.
Snacking at the Circus
Someone was amazed at the acrobats
Post circus shenanigans
"who turned out the lights?"
Playdate fun with Jake
Little chefs
Carter feeding Avery her breakfast
Dinner from Chef Carter and Mimi
Highlight of the month - dad taught the boys how to dunk Oreo's

End of Carter's Basketball Season

Carter's basketball season ended up being a lot of fun.  While his offensive skills could use some work, he was a defensive phenom ;)  The team improved a lot over the season.  By the last game, the coach was sending the kids in with basic plays to run and the team could execute them fairly well. For his last game, Carter dribbled the whole way down the court which was a huge improvement from where he started (unable to dribble at all).  He scored three baskets over the season (with the help of coach dad and coach kirby).  Here are some pictures of the fun.
Dad the Ref
Working on his dribbling
Defensive Phenom
Team Huddle - coach giving the plays
Cute smirk
Concentration - not leaving his man
Staring down the defender
Pumped - post score
Dribbling around his defender
Score #3 - coach assist
Coach and Player
Official Pic
Team picture
Getting their trophies at the end of year ceremony
First basketball ceremony

Friday, February 27, 2015

An Atlanta Blizzard

Schools closed, work let out early, bread and milk flew off the shelves... a Southern blizzard was coming.  And we were prepared.  The boys jumped as the first flakes that fell from the sky.
The snow stuck.
And Avery got a glimpse.
The kids all took a nap and waited for the white stuff to show.  And it did...
All 1/10" of an inch of it!  And a few hours after it came, it was gone.  School still closed and we lit a fire but it was mainly a few days watching cold rain and going stir crazy.  Such is the Southern Blizzard.