Thursday, December 31, 2015


Avery (16 months) - Avery finally mastered the art of walking this month.  She is so proud of her new achievement.  She also frequently takes to insisting on feeding herself which is a fairly messy endeavor.  She is getting more vocal.  Her favorite works are Bye-bye, Dada, Mama, Bottle and Woof.  She is also doing a lot of sign language.  Avery loves reading books.  She has 5 teeth breaking through, including 4 molars so night-time sleep has been a little disrupted.   

Anything to entertain a baby during bathtime

With buddy Lucy at her first birthday
With her favorite toy – mom’s phone

Parker (4 years, 1 month) - Parker has decided to give up his future farmer life and grow up to "be and artist so he can cover the world in art."  His world revolves around doing art and playing with his brother.  Parker finally moved to a big bed at the end of the month.  His room is now his big-boy, Pirate/Airplane/Disney/Georgia Tech room with lots of his art decorating the walls.
Taking baby "Avery" for a walk

First night in his new big boy bed   

Carter (5 years, 7 months) - Carter had his first winter break off from school and he loved all the individual attention but the lack of a consistent schedule seemed to throw him for a loop.  He also seemed to miss having his buddies around all day.
Blasting off to space in the rocket ship the boys made
Proud of his "No moms allowed sign"
Sushi lunch date 

Siblings And sweet pictures of the three kids.
Holden band
Fun with the Gomez Gang
Afternoon picnic
Crazy kids at dinner
Hike at Sweetwater Creek with Dad

Light Saber Fight

Making Snow
Parker driving his Sister around the neighborhood

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

This Week at School

Avery had a fun few short weeks at school over the holiday but she still has lots of photos - mainly food centered of course!
Contemplating her next bite
Working the spoon like a big girl
Notice a theme with food themed pictures..
Music Time
Waving "Bye-Bye" in Sign Language class
White Day for Lily's birthday

Parker had a few fun filled days as well.  
Parker won one of the two games. He said there will be a championship match in a few weeks. 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day

Christmas afternoon started with a visit from Pops, Emme, and Uncle Reid for more presents and family time.
Then we hosted the annual Jones family Christmas dinner.  More gifts, Dirty Santa and lots of family time capped a fabulous few days of Holiday fun!
Pictures from Christmas Past

Whole Group
Building Christmas Tree cup competition
Parker wasn't letting anyone take his Dirty Santa gift - fireworks
Playing with her new ride