Thursday, March 31, 2016


Avery (1 year, 7 months) - Avery has been talking up a storm recently.  It is typically a lot of "mama", "dada" or yelling but she seems to want to get a word in whenever her brothers start talking.  She also has a sassy trick she picked up, where, when she doesn't want to do something she will respond "no, no, no" and wag her finger at you.  Over Spring Break we gave in to letting Avery have a bottle with water with her all day because we wanted to make sure she was hydrated and it is how she drinks the best.  Unfortunately we paid for it as soon as we got back because she threw a fit if she wasn't allowed to always drink from a bottle at home.  So we are working on breaking that habit again!

She likes to be pushed around in her doll stroller
Arghhh ... baby pirate
Who ate dad's cupcake?  Not this girl!

Safety first!
Riding in style

Parker (4 years, 4 months) - Parker continues to have a strong affinity for art and has narrowed down his future career plans based on our recent trip to Disney.  He will now be a Disney artist when he grows up who designs Disney flags.  Parker has been incredibly excited for the warm weather to arrive and has planned nightly family bike races, art in the driveway and outside circuses.
Showing off his cool Chick-fil-A glasses and backpack
He wanted to take a picture with Avery and these props
Enjoying ice cream in his bunny hat

Carter (5 years, 10 months) - Carter reached a big milestone this month when he lost his first tooth!  It wiggled for about 3 hours before it came out.  He was super surprised, though very excited for the tooth fairy to come see him.  He is enjoying soccer starting up and though his team is struggling he has been very excited to teach all his teammates about "teamwork".   To mom/dad's relief Carter postponed his plans to move to Colt's farm until he goes to college.  He is going to work on the farm while he goes to farm college.  He has also relaxed the "no girls on the farm" rule to allow mom to come visit sometimes.
Playing with a cow we won at the Lovett auction
Voting with dad
At a friend's Easter party
Someone just lost a tooth!!!

With his tooth Superhero
Seeing Zootopia for Jack's birthday
Breakfast with dad on a day off school
Picking out a new bike!
Lunch trip with Mimi and Uncle Reid to the Westin Peachtree Tower (72 Floors Up!)

Happy St Patrick's Day

Someone has her brothers wrapped around her hand!

How we roll to soccer practice
Carter's new obsession - snapchat.  This is some of his recent work

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Easter was a fun family filled day.  The Easter bunny left the kids some baskets at the house and must have had to make a quick escape because he left a bit of his tail in the front door.  In the afternoon, we went to Mimi's for more fun - egg hunting, Easter baskets and dinner.  
A bit confused on his holidays - wearing Halloween PJs but super excited to find the Easter bunny left a bit of his tail behind
Avery got "ducks" in her Easter basket - her favorite!

Egg hunting in the rain
The Easter Bunny hid the boys' baskets but left a string for them to follow to find them
Kids table
Someone loves talking to and kissing herself