Tuesday, July 31, 2018


July ended up being super busy as we tried to fit everything in before school started back.  On the parent front, mom and dad were able to fit in a quick date night to Book of Mormon which was hilariously inappropriate. 

Avery (3 years, 11 months) - With brothers at camp or riding bikes, Avery spent lots of time with mom.  Water play seemed to be a constant favorite and we went to the library about every other day to check out cake pans, musical instruments, puzzles and books. 
A neighbor decorated their yard for shark week
She set up an afternoon nap on the front steps

Parker (6 years, 8 months) - Parker had a fun July with a few camps and lots of play time with his "bike gang".  He would leave the house most mornings and we were lucky if he popped back in for lunch before we called him home for dinner.  Luckily if we ever needed to find them, they were pretty easy to spot...

Carter (8 years, 2 months) - Carter finished up his golf season this month and really enjoyed it.  He is excited to play again next summer!  He had a busy month with camps each week - Baseball camp at GT, Boys Scouts Camp and Josh Powell.  He loved Boys Scout Camp the most and was sad to "graduate" out of Josh Powell. 

Siblings - In addition to vacations and camps, we had a lot of fun outings in July.  We went to an Atlanta United game with a big group of neighbors.  The boys all went down early to watch the World Cup final at the stadium while the girls joined closer to game time.
We went with Mimi to see Winnie the Pooh at the Alliance Theatre and see the exhibit at the High Museum afterwards.  

We had lots of water play in the front yard....

And we dressed like cows for free chicken, went to several birthday parties and out to eat.

And there were lots of Braves games too!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Asheville - Round 2

After Parker and Avery spent a week with Grandma/Grandpa in June, Carter and Parker got to spend a week in Asheville in July.  During the week they went to camp at Western North Carolina Nature Center leaving about all sorts of wildlife with evenings playing golf, swimming in the lake and visiting the library.  Avery decided to join dad to pick them up and they were able to fit in some fishing, and a trip to the ropes course. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

Fun at Camp

For one week this summer, all 3 kids were at camp.  The boys went to boy scout camp together where they spent the week swimming, playing rugby, making pinatas, doing archery, shooting bb guns, working on scout badges and tons of other stuff.  Mom and dad each volunteered for a day too.  On Friday the boys put on a skit with their dens and the families were invited to watch.  They both loved camp and it is definitely on their list for next summer!
Avery doing the scout sign
Which she turned into a dance move

Avery went to Spanish cooking club for the week.  Each day was a different theme and they made a fun treat.  Avery was kind enough to bring home some to share with us each day, unfortunately it seemed to disappear during the car ride home before mom/dad/brothers could try it.