Sunday, March 31, 2019


March ended up being quite the busy month.  Our neighborhood started a ladies tennis team so mom has been spending lots of time trying to embarrass herself on the court.  Dad has caught several Atlanta United games.  We have all spent many fun nights with friends including another fun Chow Club of Laotian food followed by axe throwing.

Avery (4 years, 7 months) started the month by finishing up cheerleading (and watching basketball) and moved onto swimming and watching baseball.
Sisters waiting for the baseball parade to start
Avery's favorite way to watch baseball, laying down under a blanket
We registered Avery for Kindergarten next year and she got this sweet yard sign she was so excited to put up.  She has also spent a lot of time hanging out with neighbors, playing in the backyard and enjoying all things princess related.

Parker (7 years, 4 months) - Parker was sad when basketball ended but has been really enjoying playing baseball.  His friends are spread out over several teams this season which is sad but it has been fun playing against them each week and they are all still buddies roaming around the neighborhood in the afternoon!

Carter (8 years, 10 months) - Just like Parker, Carter has been playing baseball though he is a little more hot/cold with it.  With kid pitch the games are slower and there isn't as much action in the field so he has been trying to play catcher and pitcher when he can.  He was super into the NCAA basketball tournament and was proud his bracket beat dad's.
Twining at a sleepover with Phillip
Someone has been stealing mom's eye mask

Siblings - Basketball/cheer leading cam to an end but not before Avery/Parker got to man the score table at Carter's last game.

With our cruise in February we decided on a staycation for Winter Break.  The kids spent some time lounging around, visited the dentist, caught an Atlanta United game, saw the new Lego movie, played mini golf, won some prizes at Chuck-e-Cheese and played more games at Main Event.  

Overall it was a fun month and they tried to mot get into too much mischief!
Happy St Patrick's Day

Friday, March 29, 2019

March at School

Carter wrapped up units in school on Fairytale Writing (Writing) , Mystery Books (Reading), Regions of the United States (Social Studies) and Multiplication/Division (Math).  They also had some fun activities like a special Irish Dancing class for St Patrick's Day and lots of Pie for "Pi" Day (3/14).

Parker wrapped up several units as well including persuasive writing where he wrote a piece on why his MuckDog baseball team was the greatest.  His class has started a social studies unit on famous people, finished a math unit on models and charts and there is always lots of reading (preferably outside on a gorgeous day).  His Cub Scout pack also got to visit the Upper School Astronomy lab one afternoon for a fun lesson about space.

Avery started the month celebrating Dr Seuss Day and finished with a fun Mystery Reader visit from boy brothers!  In between she celebrated "M" week dressed like Minnie Mouse, had two St Patrick's Day parties and probably spent some time learning too ;)