May was a busy month as is the norm but also a bit of a change from May the year prior when everything was shut down. We celebrated Mother's Day at the Battery. We celebrated our 16th Anniversary at the baseball fields where friends brought candles because it was the year of Wax gifts. Dad caught several Braves games and played golf while mom celebrated the last day of school with the ladies.

Avery (6 years, 9 months) - Avery finished up her soccer season and seems ready to play again in the Fall. She doesn't seem to be a huge fan of the actual sport or the required running but she really enjoyed playing with her friends. She spent a lot of time at the ball field this month and was super excited to get to actually participate in the parent/sibling game with Parker's team. She was lucky enough to be invited to a virtual field day with several families in the neighborhood. Other than that she was thrilled when the pool opened up and has been spending lots of time with friends!

Parker (9 years, 6 months) - Parker finished the school year with some exciting events including Fun Day and the 3rd Grade Living Museum where he was Mooky Betts. But the bulk of events for the month involved baseball! Early in the month his travel ball season on Slammers came to an end with a fun team pool party and a parent/sibling baseball game. Team Holden/McCray dominated the game! Smyrna Little League held their annual parade in May this year. The kids always have a blast riding in the trucks with their teammates through downtown Smyrna. Parker's rec team was particularly excited that day because it was the start of the end of season tournament. His team finished second in the regular season and went on to dominate every playoff game on their way to be the season AA Champions. And the midst of playoffs, Parker found out he made an All Star team as well! His team had daily practice to get ready for their District tournament in late May. Those coupled with the long post-season run for his rec team meant Parker had several 2 a day practices and basically lived at the ball fields for the last 3 weeks of May. Early on he wasn't too sure about what he had gotten himself into but by the time the games started he was loving it.

Carter (11 years) - Carter ended the year with Fun Day where he was lucky that mom and dad were both able to come participate. He also got to participate in the annual Smyrna Little League parade for the Reds team. He was kind enough to let Avery ride in his team's truck cab and she had a blast cheering along the way. Carter's team struggled offensively towards the end of the season so dad decided to smudge the team bats for their playoff games. It worked as they made it to the semi-finals before bowing out. And while his rec ball was winding up Carter also found out that he made an All Star team!

Siblings - Much of May's activity revolved around baseball with time - both cheering the boys through rec playoffs and supporting their All Star seasons. But we also tried to take advantage of the great weather and later post-school evenings with time outside. And of course we celebrated Memorial Day with fireworks.