Saturday, April 30, 2022


We had such a busy, fun packed April!  Mom and dad fit in some fun adult time with the 100 year anniversary of Sigma Chi's Beta Psi chapter.  We had such a fun time reminiscing with college friends.  We also had a fun day date to the Braves game, went to see Journey and got to go to Smyrna Little League's annual auction. Mom also wrapped up her Spring tennis season and completed an athlete competition at the gym.

Avery (7 years, 8 months) - April started strong for Avery when she won the NCAA Basketball Bracket for Parker's baseball team.  She also played a lot of softball and has really enjoyed making friends with a new set of girls.  She tolerated lots of time at baseball games for her brothers and the Braves.  Avery has loved second grade and is sad it is coming to an end.  Her teacher and classmates have been great and she has enjoyed traditional school activities like field trips and theme days coming back.

Avery the NCAA Bracket Winner

Interviewed for the Jumbotron at the Braves Game

Field trip to Gilbert Gardens
Spy Day at school

Lunch visitor

Avery packed a snack for school

T Shirt Book Report Day

Parker (10 years, 5 months) - Parker had a special visitor at school when dad joined his class for Father's Day. The played lots of games and were able to enjoy some quality time together.  Other fun school events were the Spring Arts Festival and Spring Musical - Snow White & the Poison Grape (Parker was the blue dwarf).  Outside school, baseball is in high gear and Parker started flag football playing on a team with a bunch of friends from school.

Spring Arts Festival
Field Trip to the World of Coke
Gymnastics unit in PE

Carter (11 years, 11 months) - Carter played lots of baseball this month and his rec team is having a great season!  He is definitely getting sad about this chapter ending.  Outside baseball he is working hard at school, doing Boy Scouts and hanging out with friends when he can.  

Carter and Nick at the bike park

Siblings - There was definitely lots of sibling love going around this month but most of their time together was at the ballpark... a little Little League and lots of Braves games.  With Covid restrictions easing one fun tradition was back... Smyrna Little League day at the Braves game.  The boys (and all players from SLL) got to walk the track before the game and Avery joined in.

Replica World Series rings secured
Freeze glasses promotion day
Major Reds ready to walk
AAA Phillies on the field