April brought some relief to our rainy March weather so we were able to fit in all the fun activities! Mom was able to play a match with her ALTA team and we had a fun parents night out at the Braves stadium for the annual Smyrna Little League fundraiser.
Avery (8 years, 8 months) - Avery's Spring Break was the first week of April so she had some staycation fun including Sparkles and Good Game with friends, library duty with mom and work with dad.
Trying to get Parker's attention from the library |
But the highlight of her month was tricking dad on April Fools by making him coffee from mulch which he actually drank.

Thankfully with April bringing clear skies, Avery could finally start her soccer season. Unfortunately that meant doubling up on games every week which was a bit more activity than she wanted but she has a bunch of buddies on her team and some very kind coaches who support her through it.
Avery's other extra-curricular activity, Cheerleading, wrapped up this month with a performance before Friday Flag Football games.
And Avery spent a good chunk of timing supporting her brothers at baseball including cheering at the annual Braves game and even keeping manning the scoreboard for Parker's rec team.
Otherwise there was school, playing with friends, lots of Roblox, dyeing her hair pink and general silliness.
Self portrait from school |
It was such a busy month it even wore Avery out!

Parker (11 years, 5 months) - Parker had some fun at school this month with a field trip to Emory to learn about how they support Religious diversity on campus and the annual Spring Arts Festival.
Picture is from the camera they made |
Thankfully Parker's hand felt better over the month and he was able to get back to playing baseball including a final tournament with his 11u Slammers team and lots of rec games with the Reds.
Parker and Josh, one of his best baseball buddies |
Excited to see his buddy Cayden at a tournament |
Happy Birthday Christopher! |
Carter (12 years, 11 months) - Carter had his last track meet early April and it was a fun way to end with Lovett hosting the meet and Carter winning his 100m heat.
Baseball season kicked off big time with tournaments almost every weekend through June. Carter's team started the month strong with a Championship win in their first wood bat tournament.
Siblings - Mimi offered to take the kids to see the Super Mario movie so Avery insisted everyone dress up. Some were more cooperative than others.
When not playing baseball the boys were able to make a few trips to see the Braves play. Carter even had a class field trip to a day game.
And there was of course lots of cheering for each other at various sporting events.
JZ gave Colin a mustache |