June revolved around a lot of baseball but it is always such a fun experience getting to hang out with friends! We were thankful to be able to fit in the June Smyrna concert series to see Electric Avenue, a work/golf trip to Oklahoma for dad and seeing the Barenaked Ladies at Chastain. And in sad/exciting news we finally traded in the minivan for a new SUV for dad.
Twins! |
Avery (8 years, 10 months) - Avery spent a lot of time being a baseball sister in June between games, practices and carpools. Thankfully there are often fun concessions to help and she had a few friends who helped provide her alternate activities to escape the heat.
Keeping it fresh with a new vantage point to watch the game |
Some of Avery's favorite monthly activities were learning about the joy of the Costco food offering with the Langemans, seeing the Little Mermaid with Gabby and pool time with friends.
Sleeping with mom while dad is out of town |
Parker (11 years, 7 months) - Parker's month mainly revolved around baseball or resting for baseball. When not playing baseball on the field, we was watching baseball, playing wiffle ball or hanging out with baseball friends.
Carter (13 years, 1 month) - Carter's month was also heavily baseball focused with tournaments for his travel team every weekend, wiffle ball during the week and Braves games/practices at night. We had conflicts the last few weekend of his travel season and Carter lost steam with the rigor of travel baseball but he enjoyed finishing the season with the Father/Son baseball game. Carter enjoyed the year of full travel ball but realized it was more than he wanted so he is excited to go back to rec ball in the Fall so he can keep playing but have his weekends free for football games and sleep overs!
Carter and Coach Nico |
Finally getting to hang out with friends on the weekend! |
Siblings - As soon as school let out the boys started a neighborhood wiffle ball league which played in our front yard. Daily we had 10-20 boys hanging out and putting on games. The boys quickly organized themselves into 4 teams (names changed daily), set up a league in Game Changer to score/stream the games, built a strike zone, developed rules, found announcers and figured out how to do walk up music. It provided daily amusement for the parents who streamed into to watch the games and gave the boys some good lessons in teamwork and organization. The regular season ended at the end of June but don't worry, there are playoffs to come!
Setting up the stream and testing the radar gun |
And of course there were braves games together and cheering each other on at the field!