Saturday, August 31, 2024


August is always busy with back to school, Avery's birthday and the start of Fall activities. Mom and dad also had a fun reunion to celebrate 25 years since High School graduation. It is always fun to catch up with friends! There were lots of kids activities and adult responsibilities but we were also able to fit in some fun solo time at the gym and golf course.

Avery (10 years) - Avery has really been enjoying her classmates and teacher this year. She is doing great in school and excited about the year. She decided to stop playing soccer this year since she couldn't be on a team with her friends so she has started weekly tennis lessons and keeps asking dad to take her to golf. She is at such a funny age with interests from going to build-a-bear to investing in skincare. She keeps us on our toes for sure!

First dad's club of the year!

Parker (12 years, 9 months) - Somewhat reluctantly, Parker joined the Middle School Cross Country team this season. He had a few friends joining and while most boys were playing football, Parker had no interest in that but wanted to do something at school. The running wasn't his favorite thing to start but he has enjoyed hanging out with his friends at practice and really likes the meets! He is also playing travel baseball this year with a new Smyrna Slammers team and doing rec ball as well. When both boys realized they could make it work to be on the same rec team for the only year possible, they decided to do it and convinced dad to coach (minimal convincing required). It will be a busy Fall for Parker with sports, school and boy scouts but he is ready for it!

Jackson, Parker and Jack

Carter (14 years, 3 months) - Carter and mom spent some quality time volunteering this month for YMSL. We packed meals at Open Hand and brought lunch to a local police precinct. He enjoyed baseball both watching the Braves and starting rec season. And school is going well. He is loving high school and has already started pre-season activities for wrestling. His low-light at school is the one day a month mom volunteers at the Welcome desk and can check on him and his buddies before classes start.

Siblings - With Avery back in school and the boys still off for a few weeks, dad took them to Asheville for a few nights to see Grandma and Grandpa. They enjoyed some great weather with water sports and baseball. Dad also took the boys to see a Georgia Tech football game before Fall schedules got too busy to make one!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Back to School - Boys

Mid-month, it was time for the boys to join Avery back at school! It is a big year for Carter starting 9th grade and high-school. And Parker is smack-dab in the middle of Middle School in 7th grade and no longer has big brother in the same building. Both boys are confident and excited about the school year. They have friends in their classes and are looking forward to a great year!

First days of K, 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade

First days of 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Avery's Birthday

Avery had a plethora of birthday fun - well deserved for double digits! She enjoyed special meals with Pops/Emme and Mimi/Uncle Reid at her choice of Chinese and Italian restaurants. She planned an escape room party with friends including pizza, ice cream and a playground. Everyone joined her for a birthday picnic lunch at school. She took the whole family to the Works for lunch and games. And she planned a day of shopping with mom. 6 parties later, it was sufficient to say that she celebrated well!!!