Thursday, June 30, 2011

Month 13 Recap

It's hard to believe but our little guys is already 14 months old! My how time flies! Here is a quick update on what the little guy is up to these days.

Food: Carter has a really good appetite. His favorite foods are frozen veggies, bananas and strawberries. He enjoys milk, does fine with his sippy cup and has started taking a little Apple Juice at daycare. He will eat just about anything and loves using all 12 and counting of his teeth. He seems to have gone through a recent growth spurt so he seems to be getting all the nutrients he needs! He also has plenty of energy to play all day which is most important to him ;)

Sleep: Carter has really taken to his 1 nap a day. He still takes 2 sometimes on the weekends. He is going down for bed around 8:00-8:30 and waking up between 6:30 and 7:00. We can get a little extra shut eye on the weekend. He naps for a solid 2 hours at daycare but can push it to 3 on the weekends.

Play: This is Carter's specialty! He is into everything these days. He loves anything he can crawl in, under or on. He is still really into books and things that make music. His new favorite past times are pulling things out and putting them back, not usually in the same place. He also enjoys anything he can knock over. We spend lots of time building towers and Carter spends 2 seconds knocking them over. He says "Boom" whenever he does it. It is quite cute. Carter has also become quite cuddly. He likes hanging out in mom and dad's lap and doing a puzzle or reading a book. But his favorite things to do is laugh, he loves playing games and being silly!

Talk: Carter has a handful or words and lots of noises. Recently he has become more responsive to our requests. He also has become an expert at locating and pointing to dogs whenever we ask where the Dog is. He is also pretty good at cat. He is still working on his cat recognition. He has also mastered the sign for "More". He uses it frequently at meal time, snack time and in between. The boy has a good appetite. Carter also likes to 'High Five' and he loves to clap!

Movement: Carter has mastered walking with an object, bending over and picking up something and getting himself back up when he falls. He is still working on his balance especially as we tries new skills. He tries walking faster each day. He also isn't afraid of any terrain. He often sees a big kid doing things and tries to copy them. He has also mastered going down stairs.

Daycare: Carter is doing great at school. In addition to the things mentioned above, he is really thriving in his new room. We have to deal with a little separation anxiety in the mornings and the occasional biting incident but overall things are great. I think his favorite part of his new room is the mornings. First thing, the 2 older toddler rooms hang out together since there aren't many kids there. Carter really enjoys being around the older kids. He is fascinated by older kids in general. Every where we go he goes up to any older kid that will give him attention. He likes to watch them and he tries to copy them.

Overall the little guy is doing great. He is a happy boy, laughes constantly and such a joy!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Celebrating Baby D

Mom and Dad left Carter with Grandma for the weekend to head to Charlotte to celebrate Baby Dixon. Mom got to celebrate the previous weekend at the Lake but we were both excited to spend some time with the Dixon's before their baby arrived.

We had a great time hanging out and catching up but unfortunately when mom woke up Saturday she wasn't feeling too hot. Things got worse as the day went on so she spend the night on the couch with Gatorade (thanks David), Saltines and a very cute pup named Koda! So Dad and Mark had to take over game duty. Rumor is they did a great job!

It was a nice quick trip and it was fun seeing the the adorable parents-to-be!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

When we got back from the lake Sunday, Carter wanted to give dad his Father's Day gifts!He got dad several things including some new books to read to him.He also made this cute picture for dad with a poem.

After present opening, dad and Carter bonded while watching golf.

But Carter doesn't sit still long so soon it was off to to the next adventure!

Happy Father's Day dad! We all love you very much!

Weekend at the Lake

We were really excited for a quick trip out of the city for some fun at Lake Oconee. Carter was so excited to help prepare so we loaded him up and headed to the grocery store for supplies. Luckily mom/dad remembered everything we needed to get because someone ate the shopping list.
It was a successful shopping trip so Carter was ready for the lake!We were fortunate that our friend's the Whitney's invited us to stay with them for the night so dad and Carter could get in some lake time...They even got Tess in on the action!

Carter enjoyed lounging in his lady bug while dad pushed him around.They even got to hang out with Mark and Caitlyn.

Caitlyn had a great time during her first time in the lake!

While the boys were playing around, Carrie and I headed to the main attraction of the weekend... Brittany's baby shower! She looked adorable and it was so much fun to see all the fun baby gifts.

When not in the lake, Carter had a great time playing with Caitlyn.

Carter also proved very useful in helping point out all the areas of the house that need to be baby proofed.

We got in one last swim Sunday morning before we had to head back to the city!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Introducing Baby Boy Holden #2

That's right, the Holden House is expanding! On or about December 15th, we will excitedly welcome our 2nd little boy.

Our little lemon (that's how big he is this week) is already excited to meet his big brother. He made sure to say "Hello" to Carter at his 8 week photo shoot.In order to change the karma this time around, we changed doctors and hospitals to Piedmont. We are also seeing a maternal fetal specialist who will be doing regular ultrasounds as the pregnancy progresses so we can try to catch any sudden changes quickly so we actually make it to the hospital this time. My OB has said she would rather send me in to be induced if I show any signs of premature labor rather than risk another car birth.

As a result, we got some nice pictures at our 12 week appointment...Including the "It's a Boy" money shot ;)So far all the tests and scans have gone well. Baby is measuring dead on for size and our NT screening results were excellent. I go back to the Dr in early July and I will start weekly Progesterone shots then. They are hoping they will help me carry the baby to at least 38 weeks this time.

As for all those first trimester feelings, things have been a little different than last time. Physically I feel much better and I have a much better idea of how to control my nausea which has been nice. I am significantly more tired this time which is undoubtedly impacted by trying to keep up with an active 13 month old. I am feeling a little better as I hit the 2nd trimester so hopefully that trend continues.

We'll keep everyone posted along the way!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Guess Whoose Tired?

That's right between 1 nap a day and teething woes, little man is exhausted and fell asleep during dinner!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Outing to the Aquarium

Sunday, Carter was really excited to go the Aquarium. Not just because he loves the fish but because he got to hang out with Caitlyn! We met up with the Whitney family and the kids were instantly mesmerized by the fish (as were their dads).

Carter spent some time in the children's area. He had a fun watching the shrimp at the touch tank.

And playing peek-a-boo in the portholes.

But he had the best time walking around and trying to chat up the other visitors. He really wants to play with the big kids and thankfully a few are kind enough to give him some attention.
Carter and dad took a break from the fish to play hide and seek in the ballroom.

We made a final visit to the Dolphin exhibit where Carter got in the spirit of things.

It was a nice Sunday outing with the Whitney's and babies!
We made a quick stop on the way out to see the McKenney's dolphin, McFinney. He was ready well done with McKenney's hard hat and badge. And even a GT pin on his collar!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Crazy Night Out

Saturday, mom and dad were really excited to take a night off from being parents to celebrate mom's college friend Jodi's surprise 30th birthday party. Even more exciting was that some of mom's Emory friends flew in town for the occasion!

The evening started pretty early with dinner and drinks at Jodi's while we waited for our transportation for the evening to arrive...
Jodi's husband rented a bus for the evening to take everyone around town so we could relive all the "hot spots" from back in the day. Our first location was our old college haunt... Maggie's!

We hadn't been there since college. It was pretty fun to relive all the crazy times we had there and try to figure out why we spent so much time at that dive. It was also GREAT to catch up with Hillary and Rebecca who flew in from NYC and DC just for the weekend!

Then the bus took everyone to the Highlands where he hit up Neighbor's. It was a nice night out, so we enjoyed the patio and had a few drinks ;)

After that we headed to Midtown for some dancing. It was quite the evening! Mom and dad haven't had one of those nights in a while and I just don't think we are built for such shenanigan's anymore! But it was so much fun and it's always exciting to get together with the Emory gang!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Updates from The Past Week

The Holden House had a lot going on this past week!

Monday was Carter's first day in his new room at daycare. His classmates are 13-18 months. The new room is twice as big as his old one and Carter loves the extra space. His room also goes to the gym every day and he loves crawling all over the mats. His new room also only has one nap a day and they nap on mats - both new things for Carter! His teachers said he did really well napping on the mats. He actually went down right away and slept for 1-2 hours each day.

On the downside, dropping his 2nd nap has made Carter cranky! I'm not 100% sure he is ready for it, but his teachers said the kids catch on by week 2 or 3 so hopefully Carter will start to adapt to the new routine. At home he has been going to bed earlier than normal and he took 3 naps Saturday and Sunday.

In other Carter news, his 4th molar is still working on popping through. He has been pretty drooly this week and it definitely isn't helping with his crankiness. It looks like it should pop through in the next week so hopefully that will be the end of our teething woes until the 2 year molars come in.

Other than that, things are pretty normal at the Holden House. Carter has really enjoyed going to the pool. He loves riding in his wagon and once at the pool, he likes watching the big kids and trying to join in their fun.He is also as active as ever. Carter is constantly moving whether on his own or having mom/dad wheel him around. Hope everyone also had a great week!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Carter's Baptism

We started the week with Carter's baptism. We had the baptism at Peachtree Presbyterian Church which is where mom was confirmed and coincidentally, mom and dad's high school graduation was held. Carter had a great time walking around the hall and meeting the congregation before the service.

He did pretty well during the ceremony. He was quite the wiggle worm. He didn't mind the baptism at all... but he gave Pastor Vic a run for his money as all Carter wanted to do was get down and run around the stage.

Carter was a trooper!
I'll post the formal pictures when I get them.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Month 12 Recap

Carter definitely seems like a different child than only a month ago. It's amazing how quick he grows up. He is into everything. He loves opening all the cabinets and drawers (especially the Tupperware one). He is interested in everything, especially the things that mom and dad say no to ;)

He prefers to always have something in his hand. This is particularly helpful with his teething. His last molar seems to be about to pop through so hopefully that will be the end of that drama for a while. He did have an issue at daycare this week with biting but were hopeful that was just a 1 day issue!

Carter frequently likes to take the object he is holding and give it to you. But he usually takes it back 30 seconds later. He has also taken to helping pick things up. He will take his toys and put them back in their baskets on occasion. He does really well at it when you ask him to do it and show him what you want.

Carter loves to walk around and has almost mastered bending down to pick something up and then standing back up. He still loves to dance and will start bouncing when you turn on music. He starts bouncing and clapping as soon as he sees Mickey on TV.

Carter is usually a happy baby but he has started more toddler behavior with random fits. When he doesn't get what he wants, he will fall to the ground and roll around on his back crying. He will eventually sit up and beg to be picked up. It is pretty funny but we are trying to not laugh at him to much. Luckily he calms down pretty quick but we're hopeful this isn't a sign of things to come.On the eating front, Carter has been doing well. He eats a wide range of foods though his preferences seem to change daily. He is completely on milk now which he really seems to enjoy.

Carter is sleeping pretty well. He has a rare mid-night wake up. And he occasionally takes a good rocking to get to sleep but overall he does really well. He is consistently taking 2 - one hour naps at daycare and and 2 - two to three hour naps at home on the weekends.

We have been getting out of the house more with the weather warming up and he continues to enjoy all the sites and sounds. The world seems much more entertaining than staying home with mom and dad!

Carter finished up the month with a move onto the next room at daycare. He is officially moving from Crawler Room B to Toddler Room A on Monday. They take naps on floor mats in this room so we'll see how Carter does with that!