Friday, June 3, 2011

Month 12 Recap

Carter definitely seems like a different child than only a month ago. It's amazing how quick he grows up. He is into everything. He loves opening all the cabinets and drawers (especially the Tupperware one). He is interested in everything, especially the things that mom and dad say no to ;)

He prefers to always have something in his hand. This is particularly helpful with his teething. His last molar seems to be about to pop through so hopefully that will be the end of that drama for a while. He did have an issue at daycare this week with biting but were hopeful that was just a 1 day issue!

Carter frequently likes to take the object he is holding and give it to you. But he usually takes it back 30 seconds later. He has also taken to helping pick things up. He will take his toys and put them back in their baskets on occasion. He does really well at it when you ask him to do it and show him what you want.

Carter loves to walk around and has almost mastered bending down to pick something up and then standing back up. He still loves to dance and will start bouncing when you turn on music. He starts bouncing and clapping as soon as he sees Mickey on TV.

Carter is usually a happy baby but he has started more toddler behavior with random fits. When he doesn't get what he wants, he will fall to the ground and roll around on his back crying. He will eventually sit up and beg to be picked up. It is pretty funny but we are trying to not laugh at him to much. Luckily he calms down pretty quick but we're hopeful this isn't a sign of things to come.On the eating front, Carter has been doing well. He eats a wide range of foods though his preferences seem to change daily. He is completely on milk now which he really seems to enjoy.

Carter is sleeping pretty well. He has a rare mid-night wake up. And he occasionally takes a good rocking to get to sleep but overall he does really well. He is consistently taking 2 - one hour naps at daycare and and 2 - two to three hour naps at home on the weekends.

We have been getting out of the house more with the weather warming up and he continues to enjoy all the sites and sounds. The world seems much more entertaining than staying home with mom and dad!

Carter finished up the month with a move onto the next room at daycare. He is officially moving from Crawler Room B to Toddler Room A on Monday. They take naps on floor mats in this room so we'll see how Carter does with that!

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