Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wisconsin... Meeting the Family and Heading Home

After all the fun at the Zoo, we had to get home fast as the whole family was coming over for an outdoor picnic supper and fun time. Carter immediately learned that his hands up "hold me" pose was a winner with the family and he hardly had his feet on the ground. Carter was not shy either, so long as you would pick him up, he was your best friend. He got Uncle Rick suckered in quickly.Soon Carter started to notice another little fellow running around, his slightly older cousin JR. Although neither are speaking much discernible English, they had a great time running around squealing, giggling, and copying each other and generally having a good time.
Here are the proud two Dads (Colin and Britt) and their little guys (Carter and JR)
One of the great entertainments was watching Colin kick a big blue ball in the air. Both Carter and JR found it hilarious and exciting... until the ball got caught in a tree. Then the whole family found hilarity and excitement as Colin and Grandpa Holden tried to free the ball from the tree (only a few branches and about an hour of time was lost in that activity).
While the "grown ups" worked on freeing the big blue ball, the little guys quickly found a new ball to entertain themselves with
Needless to say, Carter and JR hit it off great
While our dessert was breifly interupted with a quick sprinkle, it soon passed and provided great sunset views of the farmland below Grandma and Grandpa's home. From hear you can see 10+ miles, including Mt. Horeb, WI in the distance.
It was a great evening and was great that both of the boys were able to spend some quality time with their doting great grandparents
We were doubly lucky to get in a great photo of the whole family including all Great Grandparents West, Grandparents Holden, Aunt Patty, all five McFadden's (with one significant other) and the Holden's from Atlanta.
Before the evening ended, we made sure to get a great shot of four generations of the West clan.

The festivities made for a very long evening for Carter (he was up almost 2 hours past his normal bed time), but he was a champ and had a great time hanging out with everyone. However, that evening he had some issues staying asleep and eventually ended up in Mom and Dad's bed. There he immediately crashed and was all smiles once it was time to wake up in the morning.He even had the poise to wave hello to anyone watching (I think Dad still needed his coffee)
While our time was quick in Wisconsin, we had a great time, but eventually had to head home. Although our flight was delayed, Carter had a great time watching the doings around the airport and did a great job on the flight home. It was a great trip, and he hope to be back soon.

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