Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Little Drummer Boy
Carter has found a new way to express his musical talents. It involves a little mess but what baby activity doesn't. Carter really enjoys music so he has found a way to take it to the next level. It starts by turning his trashcans upside down and dumping the balls on the floor. He then grabs his drum sticks.
And goes to work. The metal trashcan is his favorite.
His sisters aren't quite so thrilled with the new drum set or the loud noise it brings but Carter loves it!
Quick Baby Butternut Squash Update
We had our 28 week appt today (really 28 weeks 6 days). Baby and mom got a clean bill of health from the OB and the Perinatologist. Baby's heartbeat was 144 and weighs approximately 2lbs 10 oz. Apparently baby is about the size of a butternut squash. We also spent some time discussing plans for if baby 2 decides to make an early entrance this time but hopefully we won't need any of them!
We start going to the Dr every 2 weeks now so things are getting close!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sunday at the Zoo
The weather was great on Sunday and Carter had some energy to spare so we headed to the zoo for the day. In order to utilize as much of Carter's energy as possible we didn't even bring the stroller with us. This meant Carter was on foot and he didn't waste anytime getting started. He started at the Flamingos....
And then hit up the elephants.

Then it was off to the aviary where Carter fed the Parakeets.
Surprisingly, Carter didn't try to eat the Peanut Butter himself! Then it was off to check out the Savannah including zebras, rhinos and giraffes.
After we coaxed him back to the human side, we decided to check out the monkeys.
Carter has been a BIG fan of monkeys these days. He likes to do his monkey dance and gets his biggest kicks when mom and dad join in.
After a quick lunch, we decided to make one last stop at the petting zoo before Carter's afternoon nap. Carter stopped to admire the animals from the outside before heading in.
Carter spent a few minutes walking around and getting acquainted with his new friends.
But after not too long, he dove right in. Carter took care to make sure that he gave each animal some love and attention.
Yep, Carter made sure that he touched each animal.
After all, who doesn't enjoy some Carter Love?
And when he was done petting for a while, he decided to take a break with his new pals and get up close and personal. Yep the little guy has no fear when it comes to animals.
Much to the delight of his fellow petting zoo patrons, Carter showed off his bravery by climbing up on the platforms to say high to the goats that were out of reach from the ground.
He was also brave enough to visit with the snag toothed pig hiding in the corner.
But his best show of bravery occurred when he climbed under one of the goat stands to say "Hi". I said he made sure to touch each animal in the pen.
Carter had a great time hanging out with his new pal and even coaxed another boy to come and join him. Poor goat ;)
After a good hand-washing, it was time to head home.
Carter did a great job sans stroller and turned into quite the little hand holder. It was a fun Sunday at the zoo!
Carter was having such a great time at the zoo, he even tried to join.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Saturday on the Flats
Another Saturday means another Georgia Tech football game. We got to campus and Carter was immediately ready to check out what was going on. He spent a good part of the morning running through the fraternity house, the front yard and the surrounding streets while mom tried to keep up.
All that running wore the little guy out, so he decided to take a puff break and let the Tar Heel know about the pounding he was about to get.
After snack time, we headed to Jacket Walk to welcome the team. We got there a little early so dad and Carter checked out the band and cheerleaders. Carter was memorized by the pom-poms.
Until he saw the Wreck again (Carter is into Cars these days). Dad had fun showing off the car flags too.
Soon the team came and we wished Coach Johnson a great game.
After we watched the team, we decided to take a detour back to the tailgate and watch the band play for a while...
and visit the pre-game family tailgate where Carter checked out the bouncy house with another boy named Carter.
After the long morning, Carter was beat so mom took him home for a nap. In less than 2 minutes after leaving campus, this was the scene in the back seat...
While Carter napped, dad went to the game. It was a gorgeous day out!
GT came away with a close win!
And Carter woke up in a GREAT mood from his nap!
Successful day at the Holden House!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Silly Monkey Baby
Carter has been a little climbing monkey lately. He can pretty much get up onto anything he wants these days. Here are a few pics from his latest conquests.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
A Trip to See the Cows
Carter and I decided we needed a break from the City so we grabbed Pops and headed to Alabama for the day to see Great-Grandmommy. GG turned 97 in May so it's nice to get the opportunity to see her when we can.
After walking for a while, he saw something that caught his eye... moo cows. Carter pointed at what he wanted.
And ran over to check them out.
Pops put Carter on the ground and he immediately walked right up to the first cow he saw. No fear for this little guy.
Carter stared at the cow for a while and tried to pet him before turning his attention to the 20 or so other cows in the pasture. The cow wasn't quite done with Carter yet and gave him a quick sniff on the behind to see what this little creature was all about.
Completely unfazed, Carter headed off to say "Hello" to some more Moo Cows.
He liked to run over to them...
until he got pretty close and then he stopped and stared.
We were also excited to visit so Carter could run around with the cows. But first we hung out on the porch for a while and caught up with the family. Carter showed off his new climbing skills and jumped right up on the wicker love seat.
He found a fun toy up there too and loved banging it around to make "music".
Carter only stays still for a while and the farm was calling so he decided to go explore!
Luckily Pops came to help Carter get over the barb wire fence (Pregnant mom wasn't even going to try that one).
After greeting each cow, Carter decided to head inside to check things out. He found the boys bedroom and took a spin on Pop's old bed. Nothing has changed since Pops grew up in the house.
Carter had fun asking about all the old decorations and playing with Pop's toys from the 50's and 60's (not sure those would past safety standards today!).
Soon it was time to grab a quick family picture and head back to the city.
It was a nice afternoon in the country and hopefully we can make it back again soon!
Carter then headed outside and told GG about all his adventures.
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