Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (8 months)
Sweet little Parker had a great week.  By the looks of it, he is feeling better.  Our smile model is back ;)

Parker slept well and was happy at school.   He does seem to have a little separation anxiety going on.   It's manageable now and hopefully it doesn't become a bigger issue.

On the eating front, Parker has a great appetite but he seems to be growing a little less into his spoon.
He has shown an interest in what mom/dad/Carter are eating for a while and we have been slowly introducing different textures to him he hasn't been able to self feed.  Well that is slowly changing...
This development made for a fun family first this week when we had our first meal the whole family shared in... Spinach Ravioli.  In other development, Parker has also been showing a renewed interest in crawling.  He is able to propel himself forward in very short increments.  He still prefers standing and bouncing so we'll see if he decides to full on crawl any time soon.

Carter (2 years - 2 months)
It was a big week for Carter.  He used the potty at school for the first time!  I don't see him being potty trained anytime soon but it's a good start!

It was healthy body week at school.  Carter learned about the doctor, dentist, nurses, healthy foods, exercise, sleep, etc. He definitely puts mom and dad to work with his latest move... the foot grab.
At the zoo last weekend, he saw a baby gorilla ride his mom's foot this way so he decided it was a good way to get around.  Silly kid.  All in all, Carter had a great week.  He is a loving, crazy, sweet toddler.  Here are some pictures from the past week.
Carter has frequent boo-boo's.  Kisses and the boo-boo bunny always make them better.
Carter gets security from having objects he knows close by.  Good thing he has a backpack to carry them all in.
All packed up and ready to go.
Loving his new Mickey Mouse!
Favorite snack... the banana.

Brothers/Family Time
With both boys in good moods, we had a great week of family adventures.  We hit up Food Truck Tuesday for the 2nd week in a row.
This week we brought all the supplies to have a picnic with the boys (our first as a family).  The boys loved eating outside, people watching, listening to music and of course... playing on the playground after dinner.
In other fun developments, we have put the boys on the same bath schedule and started giving them baths together.  They love it and Carter has a blast helping wash "the baby".

 But I think morning is their favorite  time of the day.   Carter loves to help wake Parker up.  He always wants to hang out in his crib and read him books.
 They even try to psych mom out and go back to bed together.
It's too cute so mom let's them hang out too long and ends up being late to work.  Oh well... it's obviously for a good reason!  These two definitely love each other and I'm sure they will have lots more antics like these for years to come.

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