While Carter had a bit of a hunt.
The boys loved all their new goodies including books, train cars, art supplies, bath colors and jelly beans.
We spent the rest of the morning playing with their news toys...
before heading to Mimi's house for lunch. Parker took full advantage of all the extra hands and grabbed some snuggle time with Grannie.
It was time to put on our bunny ears and head out to see what the Easter Bunny left us.
Carter immediately staked claim to the yard across the street.
But little brother was close behind and warned everyone to stay away from his eggs ;)
Soon Uncle Micheal showed up and the boys wasted no time following his lead.
Strangely there seemed to be new eggs showing up wherever he walked!
Then we headed back inside to check out our loot...
And spend some quality time catching up with family. We also played a new game called "Dirty Bunny" where the boys came home with a Toys 'R Us gift card and Annie's Bunny Snacks (somehow mom/dad weren't consulted on the choices ;) ).