Saturday, December 28, 2013

End of the Burgess Family Visit

Most of the family headed to the Aquarium for our last full day with the Burgess family (poor Aunt B was sick).  Carter was extremely excited to show Baby Wren all the fish.  It was crazy busy but we took advantage of a lull during the dolphin show to check everything out.

After a long day, the boys decided a cousin bath was in order....
And some late night snuggles with Uncle Reido.

The next morning, we had some last minute snuggles with baby Wren before he had to head home.

We won't have to wait too long to see the Burgess family again - Baby Wren's first birthday is right around the corner in March!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Boxing Day

Boxing day meant Rest day for the Holden's.  With a full house, varying nap schedules, and some germs lurking around, we decided to make it a low key day.  But that didn't mean it wasn't full of fun!

Carter made the coffee table a boat to avoid the swarming alligators!
Making gingerbread houses with Aunt B and Pops
Carter liked sneaking candies
Parker took the task very seriously!
But had a blast!
Parker's finished product

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Evening

After naps and a quick attempt at cleaning up, we were ready to host the Jones family for Christmas dinner.  It was a nice casual evening of family time with some presents and game thrown in!  Dad even started a fire so the house felt extra cozy (albeit a bit smoky ;)).  Merry Christmas Eve from the Holden's!

Lee Family

All the Jones Children and Grandchildren
The boys both got Socket Boppers from the Lee family.

What's Christmas without a Mustache?

The boys LOVE Uncle Micheal
Bouncing to burn off all that extra Christmas Magic

Impromptu dance performance to "What the Fox Says" by the younger Grandchildren

Christmas Joy

Mimi and Uncle Reido came over late morning and we tried to take some fun pictures of the boys.  Three crazy boys means lots of Joy at our house this year!