Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January Excitment

It was a crazy late-December/January at the Holden House.  On the exciting news front, we took a late month trip to celebrate some exciting news...
We are expecting Baby #3 in August!  We are all very excited and a little unsure about what a third baby will bring but we can't wait to find out.  Carter is undecided between wanting a brother named "Poop" or a sister named "William Carter".  Parker doesn't understand what is going on.

On the non-exciting front, this pregnancy has brought a lot of not fun side effects and mom has been down for the count a good portion of the month.  And there was a kidney stone (actually two stones) incident that didn't help the situation ;)

The weather has been really crummy in Atlanta the past month with crazy ice, snow and temperatures that have unfortunately led to a lot of home time and cabin fever for the boys.  Needless to say, we are all excited for some warm weather!

Parker is really coming into his own.  He is developing a little personality to rival his brother.  He is talking a lot more.  He prefers to always have his way including refusing to eat just about everything.  He loves to dance, sing and copy whatever Carter does.  Wrestling is one of the boys' favorite activities.

Parker has been having a ball at school lately and we get regular reports of how much Parker enjoys dance time.  He is so cute and will ask the other girls in his class to dance with him.  One day he even danced with three girls at the same time.  He is definitely a little cutie.  His favorite song is "What the Fox Says".  He will watch the video on constant repeat and sing and dance along with it.  He recently got a new fox stuffed animal and he calls it "fox says".

He is a really good boy but occasionally will do something wrong.  Whenever he is told "No" or to "say he is sorry" for something he freaks out and demands to be put into timeout.  It's pitiful but adorable.
Parker made this hat at school in December and LOVES it
Parker got to accompany dad to some basketball games... he had a GREAT time.

Parker wearing his favorite shirt... what the fox says.

Carter had a great month.  He is very excited about the baby and loves to ask questions about his new sibling.  He was also incredibly excited to see the snow this past month.  Dad sees lots of fun snow trips in their future!  
Carter has the craziest bead head every morning.  We have about given up on messing with it and send him to school looking like a crazy person.  Thankfully he allows his teacher to fix it!

Here are some more January pictures.
Lounging while enjoying dad's favorite New Year's Day activity - watching the Rose Bowl parade 
Both boys in on the action
Enjoying a fun visit to Costco with dad when school had a water break
Snow day snack while watching Super Why

Enjoying art time while stuck in the house!

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