The boys were bummed they missed all the ice storm fun last time so we made sure they got lots of snow time this time around. Mom/Dad were off work for a few days due to the storm so we had a fun few days of home-bound fun.
We did our best to round up appropriate snow clothes for the boys but living in the South this was the best we could do.
The boys didn't seem to mind!
Things were pretty much ice at first ...
and while it wasn't exactly a Winter Wonderland, the icy grass made for great sledding. Dad improvised on the sledding equipment using a recycling bin, baking sheets and the winner... a laundry basket. Mom came out for a few pictures before retreating for the warm house. The boys last for an hour or so in the morning but after naps, Carter decided to come in for hot chocolate eventually, but dad stayed out and had to drag Parker in for dinner.
Carter in the Recycling Bin |
In the laundry basket |
Parker's turn |
After naps, there was a little but of snow on the ground so everyone headed out for a second time.
Taking the fun to the street |
Eating Snow Flakes |
Snow ball fight! |
The boys first snowman |

On day two - things were a little more white.
Based on the weather, things looked like they would melt by lunch so we spent several hours enjoying the wet stuff. The boys started in the driveway...
And quickly attracted a gang on neighbors to build snowmen...
Make snowballs...
Snowballs can also double as seating |
And make snow angels.
After a while the boys decided they wanted some sledding so we loaded up the laundry basket and headed out in search of a hill.
Some of the neighbors tagged along as well. We found a random house with a nice hill and decided to take advantage of their hilly yard. The owner came out and actually brought us a sled to use. I guess our laundry basket wasn't impressive enough.
Parker decided he preferred to "sled" directly on the snow |
At close to three hours, the snow was melting, gloves were wet and we were all starving so in for lunch and naps we went. And later that afternoon the snow had pretty much melted and things were back to "normal" It was a fun few days though!