Friday, October 3, 2014

Avery - 2 Month Update

All about Avery at two months...

Height: 21.5" - 19th percentile
Weight: 9lb 1.5oz - 11th percentile
Head Circumference: 38.4cm - 42nd percentile
- People talking and smiling to her
- Being outside
- Bath time (until her head is wet)

- The car seat in the car - occasionally she'll nap on a ride but lately it has been primarily screams
- Dirty diaper - she'll let you know when it's time for a change!
- Being left alone - she needs to be able to see her family
Sleeping in crib in her room
Date night (with mom and dad - Sushi an Minato's)
Social smiles
Avery is getting pretty consistent with her night schedule.  She goes down around 7:00-7:30pm and wakes around 8:00am with 2-3 wake-ups in-between (thankfully moving towards 2).  She has become a cat napper and her day alternates between nursing, 15 minute play time and 30-45 minute naps.
Moved up to size 1 diapers.  Clothes are a mix of newborn and 0-3 months.
- Avery has been spitting up quite a bit lately which either makes her cry or grin
- Avery has become very liberal with her social smiles.  Smile and talk to her and she will typically flash that gummy grin right at you
- Avery has become a big fan of the baby bjorn and one of her daily naps occurs during a walk around the neighborhood
- Avery has been enjoying her play mat some but if she stays too long, she starts to cry.  She is typically calmed by Madie who upon hearing her cries, jumps into action and begins licking her head to calm her down.

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