Monday, July 31, 2017


The end of July brought some big change for our family as mom left her job of the past 14 years to stay home and manage the house.  There just wasn't anymore room on her desk for pictures of the kiddos ;)  It is a bittersweet change but the whole family is excited.

Avery (2 years, 11 months) - Little girl continues to be the crazy, opinionated, joyful member of the household.  She is very excited about her upcoming birthday party.  She is less excited about the idea of starting a new school where mommy doesn't walk her in and she isn't with Parker.  Avery has been enjoying spending lots of time with her brothers.

Parker (5 years, 8 months) - Parker seems to have grown up a bit in some ways but is still a young sole in others.  He can expertly manipulate Carter and now stands up for what he wants to do when they play together.  But he will turn on the water works when things don't go his way or he gets hurt (a liberal definition of hurt as well).  He is getting excited about starting Kindergarten and going to the same school as his brother.
Wearing the "flip flops" he decorated at camp to the pool

Carter (7 years, 2 months) - Carter lost both top teeth and now has a gap perfect for putting a straw through.  There is no sign of the new ones coming through so it seems he will have this toothless-grin for awhile.  He has been enjoying reading lately especially educational books like Captain Underpants ;)


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