Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Years Eve

We started the day with our New Years Tree which led the kids to decorate the house in beads.  Then in our annual New Years tradition, we went to the Gomez house for the fourth year.  We had a good crowd this year and people were still rotating in when we left at 1:00 am.  Andre smoked a pig, we had lots of snacks, Ashley and I enjoyed some caviar and we brought champagne jello shots.  The kids played lots of games, had a parade and of course a dance party.  Avery even did some makeup for several party guests.  Happy New Year everyone!!!


This December was an odd month around the Holden House.  We tried to fit in lots of holiday fun since the kids are at great ages for it but we were also focused on lots of rest and downtime for Carter.
Dinner with friends at Il Localino

Carter (7 years, 7 months) - Carter started the month with a planned surgery to address a blockage in his ureter that caused intermittent pain.  He spent one night at the hospital after the surgery but recovery at home didn't go well so he was admitted again a few days later for three more nights.  We are very fortunate to have a great Children's hospital here in Atlanta so his inpatient time was made tolerable by video games, visits from friends, holiday decorations, lots of legos, reading to service dogs and room service.  At one point (once he was feeling better) Carter said he was having so much fun at the hospital that he didn't know if he wanted to go home.  He did eventually have to go home with a catheter for a while but thankfully it was removed by the end of the month and he was getting back to normal.  Carter also started basketball this month and while he couldn't play in his first game, he helped cheer his team to a W from the bench.

He found the playbill from School of Rock

Parker (6 years, 1 month) - Parker was a champ this month being flexible with Carter's stuff.  He struggled getting as much attention as he would like at times but he was very kind to his brother.  Parker was very excited about the weather getting cold enough for real fires.  He also continued his love for art projects and made many flags, houses for his new Hatchimals and banners for Monster Truck competitions.  Parker also started basketball this month and made three baskets in his first game.  Other fun activities included his first trip to the eye doctor (no issues) and loosing his second tooth (the other one is already in).

Avery (3 years, 4 months) - Avery is crazy as ever.  She kept us busy this month with her antics.  Her favorite activities were birthday parties, a holiday party at ballet, fun breakfasts before school with dad, chuck e cheese and getting her nails done.

Siblings - The kids had several fun non-holiday activities this month.  Parker/Avery got to accompany dad to work (it was a very productive day), the boys went to a GT basketball game, everyone partied at Chuck E Cheese and we found a Parkour gym near the house.  Also Parker had been sitting in the back of the car while Carter wasn't feeling hot and he really enjoyed it so we moved seats around and now the boys are hanging in the way back.