Saturday, March 31, 2018


Karaoke was on the menu for early March with back-to-back nights at some local hot spots.  We also kicked off baseball season which meant post-game meals at Wade's. 

Avery is a ball of personality as evidenced by the outfits she picks out (sometimes multiple times a day).  She has been a good sport with brother's sport commitments but she asks at the end of every inning if its over yet.  Avery has been a big fan of the Spring weather as she and mom made our way to every park in Smyrna after school during March.  She had been hit/miss with her interest in ballet but is super excited about her recital next month.

Parker has joined a bike gang.  The KV Bike Gang aka "KV Warriors" to be exact.  It is mainly neighborhood boys on his baseball team but has expanded to include Carter and a few other kids.  They meet up to ride to everyone's houses after school, raid the pantry for snacks and take off to their next location.  Parker has been really enjoying baseball mainly because it means hanging out with his buddies! 

For a funny quote this month, one day in the car Parker asked "When did the world get color?"  When probed what he was talking about, he said that he has "seen old pictures when there was no color so when did the color come". 

Carter remains fairly toothless but thankfully he finally has an adult tooth coming in.  The 4 wide gap was starting to impact his ability to chew ;)  Carter has been enjoying baseball despite the 3/4 day a week schedule.  And he decided to sign up for a golf league this summer.
Logan, Carter, Asher at Top Golf

Siblings - the boys have been spending lots of time together outside in their bike gang.   It is easy to see where they are based on the massive pile of bikes left around the neighborhood.

We had a fun Easter party with Parker's baseball team that included an egg hunt and kid/dad pyramid.

We also took a fun family trip to the beltline where the boys did great riding their bikes through the mass of people, checked out the 4th Ward Playground and ate lunch at Ponce City Market.

And there was lots of fun in between!

Friday, March 30, 2018

March at School

Carter had a good month at school.  His class has several shows coming up that they are working hard to prepare for.  His favorite subject is always math and his favorite activity is recess or PE.

Parker's monthly highlight was probably PE fun as he completed a Gymnastics unit and started a swimming one.  He was also really excited about his class's Easter egg hunt and even more excited when we found some extra eggs after school (he kindly shared the treats with his friends). 
Making garden tools in science
Making a bed using the King's foot

Avery's month at school started out with a visit from the Cat in the Hat who made the class Green Eggs and Ham.  Avery reluctantly had a few bites.  Her class also was visited by a leprechaun who made a big mess and somehow avoided all the traps the kids had made.  Avery was non-too pleased.  Avery also had some fun visitors in class this month as mom and Mimi were both Mystery Readers and dad was a Mystery Eater.