Friday, April 26, 2019

April at School

Carter had a busy month at school.  As it gets closer to summer there are more events going on!  April started with the Spring Arts Festival where the Lower School got to experience 3 Birds, a play from Synchronicity Theater by Bob Marley's grand-daughter and a Reggae Band, participate in a modern dance performance and watch a local visual effects model artist and then make their own visual model to take home.

The Lower School also celebrated Earth Day where the kids "walked to school" and spend some time learning about nature around their campus.

Carter's sweet boys chorus group performed in chapel...

Carter's class got to Skype with Dr. Jane Goodall and ask her all sorts of questions.

His class had 2 field trips to the Art Barn and the Etowah Indian Burial grounds. 

And in music class. they put on the play Stone Soup. 

And in between all that there was math, reading, writing, social studies...

Parker also had fun at the Spring Arts festival...

But his big activity for the month was the K/1 musical.  This year it was the Friendship Tree all about Dogs and Cats deciding they can be friends.  Parker took it very seriously and has encouraged his family to watch the online reply over and over.  

Mom helped out with the book fair at school one day so she decided to have lunch with Parker.  Dad was devastated that he missed fried ravioli day ;)

Parker also got to celebrate Earth Day twice with a class celebration where mom came to help them  made recycled bracelets and the school wide event where the potted plants and helped work in the Lower School garden.

Avery got to be a Chapel helper again this month and was very proud to get to carry the cross. 

Her class had a fun Easter party where they made Easter baskets and Mimi read them a book dressed as a bunny.

Avery was the Star Student one week and made a poster all about herself to share with her class.  

And there was plenty of other fun including releasing their class butterflies and spending a day in Kindergarten classes. 

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