Avery (5 years, 3 months) - Avery had lots of fun activities this month. Her cheerleading group performed at International Day at her school, she went to a local Holiday craft day, practiced riding her bike and hung out at various baseball events. She also continues to show lots of opinion about her daily attire and loves to play with her hair accessories and put on make-up.

Avery had Election Day off school so we took her friend Caroline with us to the zoo. And we ended up running into another friend from their class.

Mom and Dad got to take Avery to the Toys R Us Adventure. There were several rooms you got to walk through based on different toys. Our favorite was the Big Bad Wolf room where you got to build a house to try and withstand the big bad wolf.

Parker (8 years) - Parker finished his Fall baseball season on the Bulls. He got to play with several friends and really enjoyed being one of the older kids on the team.
Carter (9 years, 6 months) - Carter's Fall baseball team had a skills challenge to end the season and they came in first place. His travel team also had a tournament at our local park. They didn't win a game but Carter got to play second base and was the lead off hitter.
Siblings - We had several fun family activities this month including tailgating for the Georgia Tech v UGA football game.

The boys had a sock hop during their monthly cotillion class.

One of the parent's on Carter's baseball team is an Athletic Director at Georgia State and he invited the team to attend a GSU football game. They kids got to hang out in the baseball suite, be on the field at halftime and after the game, hang out in the old Braves locker room (complete with video games) and play in the batting cages under the stadium.
And there was some other assorted fun as well ;)

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