Happy 40th Birthday dad! We celebrated between kids activities with lots of presents, fancy lunch and fancy dinner.
We also fit in a little normalcy in March with an adult night out! We had a pasta making class with some friends.

Avery (6 years, 7 months) - Avery played a lot of soccer this month and was into it some of the time. She is a bigger fan of the post game snacks than kicking the ball but she does enjoy playing goalie. She also started meeting with her Girl Scout troup and was enjoying it until they did a hike.

Parker (9 years, 4 months) - Parker played a lot of baseball this month fitting in a few tournaments before starting rec season. He has been enjoying rec and getting to play a few new positions - pitcher and mainly catcher.

Carter (10 years, 10 months) - Carter also fit in all the baseball between travel ball and rec. On the not exciting side of things, his class was quarantined for a bit but he enjoyed kicking dad out of his office for the week so he could work in peace.

Siblings - Avery has been a good baseball sister and tolerated watching her brothers play. She is a regular at the concession stand and playgroup on game days. The kids also got super into crayon art for a bit and enjoyed melting crayons to make art for their room.