May was an utterly crazy month full of end of school events, end of Spring activities, start of summer sports, fun parent parties and more. Thankfully it was all a lot of fun and we had enough energy to make it through!
4th Grade Parent Caddyshack Party |
Smyrna Little League Coaches Game |
Avery (7 years, 9 months) - Avery ended her Spring cheerleading with two performances: one at a soccer tournament for our local elementary schools and one at the local flag football playoffs. Avery really enjoyed cheering and had fun hanging out with numerous friends while doing so.
Avery's softball season also finished up with an all day tournament for all the teams in the Cobb County league. Avery didn't quite have the stamina to last all day but she had fun playing this season and really enjoyed making some new friends. She thinks she is going to try soccer again this Fall but wants to go back to softball in the Spring.
Avery wrapped up a great school year. She loved her teacher and her classmates and she made all 3's on every report card.
It was a fun month for Avery with birthday parties, sleep overs and most excitedly the opening of our neighborhood pool!
Getting interviewed for the Jumbotron at the Braves game |
Parker (10 years, 6 months) - Parker wrapped up both Spring flag football and Baseball this month. His flag football team went undefeated but the highlight was definitely playing on a team with all friends from school.
Parker's baseball season ended with a tough loss in the semi-finals but it was a great season for Parker individually and he was excited to be selected for an Allstar team for the summer! He also really enjoyed playing with this team and hopefully we will see most of the boys back in action this Fall.
Watching Carter play at 3rd base |
Parker's highlight of the month at school may have been dad visiting for "Family Share". He talked to the class about being an engineer and had them all try to build structures from spaghetti. Parker was just glad he didn't embarrass his too much.
Rock climbing at the Braves game |
Carter (12 years) - Carter had some end of the year fun at school with his first Middle School Field Day where he participated in 2 running events. Each advisory is placed in one of 6 "Prides" by color. Carter's "Purple" Pride was the overall winner and celebrated with first dibs at the Kona Ice truck.
Carter and dad enjoyed a night at the Atlanta Symphony where they watched Star Wars accompanied by the Symphony playing the score. They both thought it was really well done.
Carter's Slammers baseball team had an end of the year party which was really more of an end of the last 3 years party since the boys are all aging out of Little League and will start a full-time travel ball program. Thankfully we will still see many of them on the field in the Fall!
Carter played in the end of the year program with the Middle School band. His favorite song was "It's Raining Tacos".
Carter's last year of Little League ended on a high note with his team taking the regular season championship for the best record. Unfortunately they lost in the semi-finals of the playoffs but it was such a fun season a a great team of kids and families. We celebrated with an end of the season pool party.
Players and Coaches from King Valley |
Siblings - These kids spent lots of time together at various fields - Smyrna Little League, Rhyne Park and Truist Park. Thankfully they enjoy hanging out and supporting one another most of the time.
Avery running the bases |