As mentioned below, our first day at the Magic Kingdom also included a major milestone. Carter's first haircut! We headed to the Harmony Barber Shop on Main Street USA for Carter's first battle with shears and clippers. Carter was a bit apprehensive at first (he had to sit on a weird booster with no belts and all sorts of people were looking and smiling at him).

But eleven stickers later, provided by his nice barber, we were all smiles for the whole haircut.

We sat very still for the entire haircut, it helped that the barber had a light up Lightning McQueen toy from Cars to provide entertainment. Here is carter loosing his fresh, untouched locks.

You can tell he was really torn up getting his trim.

But then came the scary part, trimming behind the ears with clippers. The barber was very nice and made the clippers fun to Carter by rubbing his back and shoulder with them first.

Then the trim, those clippers tickled!

Even Mom and the Grandparents (look in the mirror for Grandpa) were having fun.

At the end, Carter was given a special set a Mickey Ears (his first set) with the back embroidered "First Haircut" on them.

Carter was very proud that he was so good and earned his ears. They even gave him a certificate of bravery for going through the whole process with smiles.

We highly recommend the Barber shop for all!
Too cute! Yay for Carter's first haircut! And how exciting that it was at the happiest place in the world! ;)