We saw Carter's physical therapist this week and she diagnosed him as a typical boy... lots of energy, always moving, into everything and loves to play HARD. She said to be prepared for lots of the 3 B's: bumps, bruises and band aids. He make look all cute but we are beginning to realize what a handful this little one will be one day very soon!
Carter spent this week playing with his toys...
watching lots of football and even attended a few GT basketball games.
Carter is particularly into his new toys that involve him moving such as his Trike and Walkers. Luckily Carter is very concerned about safety and is taking all the necessary precautions to protect himself in case of an accident.
Another new toy that has Carter mesmerized are his bubbles.
He is amazed at how they work.
In the continuing saga of Carter's teeth, there isn't much to report. He has been chewing on everything he can get his mouth on.
Luckily he has been making sure to include healthily items in his repertoire like this corn cob.
And while he is often happy going to town on his latest object...
His teeth are also a constant source of pain making for lots of tears and early morning wake ups. We are all hoping those new teeth break through soon!
Carter's other big activity of the week is crawling. He has been scooting backwards for a while and now he has the army crawl down.
He is so determined when he is moving.
By the end of the week he was even stringing together a few crawls on all fours! He is continuing to push up on all fours regularly and has started moving his knees forward while in this position. He always tries the all fours method first and then moves to the army if he has to. He improved tremendously over the past week so we have no idea what next week will bring!
It was definitely a big week for Carter's development. We're excited and nervous to see him becoming increasingly mobile! We'll see what next week brings.
Oh my goodness Jordan, he really is looking more like a little boy than a baby! You have a little heart breaker on your hands ;)