Friday, January 13, 2012

Parker is 2 Month's Old

Time flies especially when you're over a month early!  It's hard to believe that our littlest guy is already 2 months old.  His pediatrician visit went very well.  Dr. Matthews is happy with his progress and has no concerns!  Here are his stats:
Weight: 9lb 2 oz (4th percentile)
Height: 21-1/4" (3rd percentile)
Head Circumference: 38-3/4 cm (23rd percentile)

We were all excited that Parker is on the charts (even if it's by the skin of his teeth) and has almost doubled his birth weight!  On the sad new side, Parker has to get his first round of vaccines.  We asked about doing delayed vaccinations due to his size but Dr. Matthews recommended we don't wait since preemies are especially susceptible to sickness.  She also recommended dad go get his Pertussis shot to prevent any potential issues.

Parker got one oral vaccine (Rotavirus) and 3 shots (diphtheriapertussistetanuspoliohepatitis Bhaemophilus type b (hib) and pneumococcus).  He took the oral great and tried to be tough for the shots.  He cried really good for a very short bit and I have never seen his face that red.  He then took several naps through the afternoon and seemed to a little fussier than normal.  But overall, the visit and vaccines went well!

Here are Parker's 2 official month pictures.


Parker also took an impromptu photo shoot since it's cold and that means Parker is stuck at home.  He decided a "winter white" theme was in order since he experienced his first snow flurries today!

1 comment:

  1. Look at all that hair!! He's adorable!! And his expressions. I love him.
