Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (2 Months)
Parker has been a mixed bag this week.  He isn't coughing as much but it has turned into a dry cough.  He is sleeping better but he coughs a bit in his sleep and then cries.  It doesn't feel good because he makes this face =(
or this one
Poor baby.  Hopefully he'll work threw it over the next week or so.  He also seems to be going through a growth spurt as he spent most of the weekend eating and sleeping.

On a more positive note, Parker is getting better at his head control, seems to enjoy putting weight on his feet, making more eye contact with mom/dad and gives us an occasional smile.
He was smiling up a storm at Carter at breakfast the other day.  Carter kept smiling back and laughing.  It was adorable!  We also heard Parker's first 'coo' this week.

Here are a few more of Carter's fun faces from the past week.
In the Bumbo for the first time... deciding if he likes it.
Cute 'Half' Smile face
Surprise!  Sometimes his arms move and he seems to have no idea what they are doing.
Trying out tummy sleeping
Baby can sleep anywhere
Carter (20 Months)
Carter has been going through a rough sleep patch.  He either woken up in the middle of the night or decided to get up for the day at 6am many times over the past few weeks.  After lots of trial and error we seem to have concluded that his teeth that are coming in are bothering him more than he is letting on.  A dose of Tylenol right before bed seems to help him get back on track.  He also had a rough nap weekend which led to poor night sleep as well.

On a potentially related note, Carter has developed a need to carry something with him everywhere.  He has two blankies that are his primary go-to's (we try to make sure BoBo the paci stays at home!).  He takes one into daycare with him about 3 mornings a week now.  He seems to enjoy having something to chew on so it could be related to his teething.  Or it could be just a phase.  One day this week he insisted on taking his spoon from breakfast with him to school.  Silly kid!

Carter is a typical toddler where his interests seem to change weekly.  This week he had an obsession with basketball for a few days.  He actually dragged mom around the neighborhood to the houses with basketball goals in their front yard and made her throw the basketball in them.  Fortunately no one yelled at the crazy neighbor (though I'm sure several were laughing from behind their windows).  We don't have a big basketball goal at our house so dad decided he would pretend we did and throw the basketball on our roof instead.  Carter found it hilarious!
Playing "Basketball" off the roof with dad.  Can you find the basketball?
Playing 'Whack-a-Mole' with Uncle Reid
Making daddy sit in the Bumbo
The boys had a good week in addition to Parker's smiling fit.  Carter takes his role as big brother vary seriously.  He tries to help when Parker cries.  He gets concerned if he is in the car with mom and Parker isn't there.  And he has started preparing the swing for Parker (lots of blankets and a paci) and then helping push once Parker is in.
It's so much fun to watch the little guys interact more each week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the carrying things with him phase!! Just wait! Carter will only get worse at this because he's a boy :) I ended up buying Jack his own little backpack that we take everywhere because before we leave the house, EVERY TIME, it's "let's take this with us! Can we take this with us??" It can be anything from a million toy cars to trains to his loveys to stuffed animals to dishes to cups... it never ends :) Good luck. Haha! I have to clean out my car once a week from all the "let's take it with us!" stuff!!
