Monday, May 7, 2012

Carter is 2 Years Old

Here is a breakdown of Carter at 2 Year's Old...

Weight - 24.8lbs (7th percentile)
Height - 34in (38th percentile)
Head Circumference - 49cm (58th percentile)
BMI - 14.6 (3rd percentile)

Carter's weight had dropped over a pound from the previous week (not surprising since he hasn't really been eating).  And he had an ear infection (his first!).  So we have to go back to the pediatrician in a few weeks for a weight recheck and to make sure his ear is better.

Eating - when he's not sick, Carter is a good eater.  He eats a variety of fruits and vegetables but loves pizza, mac and chicken nuggets.  He eats 3 meals and 3-4 snacks a day.  We are working to offer him more of what mom/dad eat for dinner.  Some items are more successful than others.

School - Carter loves daycare.  He is good with numbers, shapes and colors.  He is working on his letters.  His latest obsession is trucks and he loves learning about the different kinds of trucks and pointing them out whenever we are in the car.  His favorite part of school is a toss up between art and outside time.  He also knows all of his friends and teacher's first names and he likes to say them and tell stories using them (Audrey's mom picked up, James bite, Melissa two babies [his teacher is pregnant with twins], etc.).

Playing - Carter has a blast being outside.  We are fortunate to live in a family friendly neighborhood so there are always kids outside for Carter to play with.  He loves following the big kids around and watching the older kids play tennis/basketball/etc.  He loves bubbles, balls, cars and chasing the dogs.

Schedule - We wake Carter up somewhere around 7:30 on the weekdays.  He will sleep until 8:00/8:30 on the weekends.  He takes a nap at 11:30 for 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours.  We try to put him down for bed around 8:00.  And fortunately he does a good job of sleeping through the night.

Teeth - Carter's two year molars are coming in.  His top two popped through over the past month and his  bottom two popped through this week.  It will be a while before they are all the way in but hopefully we are almost through the painful part.  It's probably time to set up his first dental appointment.

Talking - Carter has a great vocabulary and is able to put together 3 and 4 word sentences.  He is a little parrot and will repeat back what you say to him.  We are able to understand him about 75% of the time which makes handling temper tantrums much easier!

Personality - Carter is wary of new situations and people.  He will often cling to mom/dad or hide between or legs when he is in a new place.  But he warms up after a few minutes and then is all over the place.  He loves to laugh and play games.  He likes to move is very inquisitive.  Lately he has been very interested in proper names and identifying who owns things (Carter's plane, dada's car, mama's baby, etc.).

Big Brother - Carter loves being a big brother.  He likes to show off his brother at school.  He gets worried when Parker cries and will bring him toys to make him happy.  He loves to help Parker with his new mobility by getting on the floor and showing him how to roll over.  Parker loves his brother too and will smile whenever Carter comes near.  He also likes to grab at him and hold Carter's hand.

Overall, Carter is a such a joy to bring around.  Watching him turn into a little person is extremely exciting.  And the sweet, joyous energy that a two year old exudes is infectious!  If only we could bottle up this time for the future teenage years ;)

We love you Little Man!

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