Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lake Norman Weekend

We spent the rest of the weekend playing in the water...
riding on the boat...
having lots of yummy food...
and enjoying some fabulous company!
Here are some pictures from our weekend fun!

Despite some initial hesitations, Parker enjoyed the lake (when being held by dad - he is in a major daddy phase).
Carter on the other hand jumped right in and had no problems climbing out and jumping again...
Just like his dad!
We spent lots of time on the boat.  Carter had been looking to forward to riding on a boat all week.  The boys had developed a fun car game where they try to see who can spot the most boats.  Parker was the overall winner!  He wasn't too sure of the boat at first but he warmed up over time...
as long as dad was holding him (see a theme?).
There was a brief moment of terror for the little guy...
when dad and Carter decided to take a ride on the tube.
The ride didn't last long as they fell off and Carter was terrified to go back.
Parker eventually calmed down so dad decided to take him on a ride too.  He looked thrilled!
But he did pretty well on the tube.
Overall we had a great time snuggling on the boat, enjoying the breeze and company.
Carter decided Caitlyn was his best friend for the weekend.  He never left her side and even tried to escort her to the master bedroom before his parents stepped in.  Overall the kids had a blast playing together.
Kids table for breakfast
Putting on a musical show for dinner
In the pack-n-play "car" driving to their picnic before the rain
Parker spent a good portion of the weekend at the water table wearing little more than a diaper
Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
Playing Basketball
Bowling with Pool Filters
Stacking Pool Filters
Pool filter drum performance
A good night salute - baggy eyes all around!
It was a great weekend but eventually it was time to put away the camera and head home!
No more pictures mom!
Thank you Dixon family for the wonderful hospitality!  We hope to be back very soon!

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