Monday, October 31, 2016


October was unusually warm this year and we had temps in the 80's-90's all the way through Halloween.  That made for some fabulous weather for fun events like dad playing golf at Turner Field (before the demo started).

Carter (6 years, 5 months) - Carter had a busy October with cub scouts and soccer.  He also had a few sleep overs with new friends and had a blast!
Posing with Anabel at World Fest
Earning his Bobcat badge
Playing goalie in soccer, only gave up one goal all year in the last game
Not happy with the yard sign dad won us for the week
Fancy hair cut
Awesome soccer and 1st grade photos
U7 Monterrey Soccer team

Parker (4 years, 11 months) - Parker's highlights this month were probably Fall Saturdays at GT with dad.  He also got to be man of the house while big brother and mom were out of town for the weekend.  He takes great pride in being a big brother and loves goofing off with Avery (when she isn't wrecking his toys).
Happy Birthday Addie
Fun at the Apple Orchard with Dad and Avery
Parker's Happy Place

Cutest little Lake Monster I have ever seen
Anders and Parker
He dressed himself and asked to have his picture taken
Wearing his shirt from his 1 year old PMO class

Avery (2 years, 2 months) - Avery continues to develop a strong-willed personality and she isn't scared to show it!  Her new favorite word is "mine" and in general she is talking more and more each week.  She holds her own with her brothers but is also very affectionate.  She has a huge love of books and usually requires 6+ a night before she will even consider going to sleep.  Avery has developed strong opinions on what clothes she wears which usually leads to some crazy outfits and strange habits like wearing shoes to bed.
Go Lions!
Someone ate a blue marker wearing a princess dress

Don't you wear pink sequin hats to dinner???
Helping in the dugout at t-ball
Trying on mom's boots
Face painting at World Fest

Enjoying Friday Night Lights at Lovett
Dad took Parker and Avery to the Apple Farm

Coloring during C's soccer game
Avery helping Carter get his shoes on

Boys showing off their bow and arrow balloons
Carter and Parker and Avery and Dad enjoying World Fest
Showing off their forehead tattoos