Monday, February 13, 2012

Parker is 3 Month's Old

Our littlest man is growing up!  It's hard to believe but he is 3 months old today.  He seems to have gone through a big change over the past few weeks.  He is finally moving from his newborn stage into being a baby.

Parker's jerky movements have subsided.  He is starting to enjoy interacting with objects and people.  He still loves being held but can handle being put down for a while.  His appetite is growing and it seems to be sticking.  Our unofficial scale reading says he is between 10 and 11 lbs.  He is way too long for his newborn clothes and even a few 3 month outfits too.  He is a long and lean little guy.

He is doing well at daycare.  His teachers say he is pretty quiet which isn't too surprising.  He is a champion eater (loves the bottle).  His schedule these days usually involves waking at 6:30 and eating, then falling back asleep on the way to daycare.  While there he takes 3 bottles and usually 4 naps.  One is really long (1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours), two medium ( 30 min to 1 hr) and a cat nap (under 30 min).

He will come home, eat twice and go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00.  He will usually wake up around 2 and want to be help until he is hungry between 3 and 4.  Then it's back to sleep and start again.

He and Carter are getting along great.  Luckily Parker is a bit laid back to when Carter is a little aggressive with his hugs/tickles Parker doesn't mind.

Here are Parker's 3 month pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Aw! He's so sweet! Can't believe we haven't met him yet! Such a cutie and LOVE his smile! :)
