Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Carter's First Soccer Practice

Carter is playing soccer this Fall with a local Smyrna soccer league.  There are 10 kids on his team, 8 of whom are boys he is in school with.  It's a great excuse to have the kids run off some energy and hang out with the other parents.  The whole family got into the action with mom being Team Mom and dad being an Assistant Coach.

Carter's first practice was rained out last week so he had been overly excited for awhile now about.  He has worn his jersey to school several days and tried on his cleats and shin guards a few times.
Finally it was time for the first practice.  It was a crazy mess of adorableness.  It started with the kids getting instructions from their coach.
Then they were off.  The kids took turns running down the field kicking the ball to warm up.
Carter waiting for his turn (yellow shirt)
Then they ran a few drills.  Carter did a great job listening to the coach and waiting his turn.
They played keep away which basically consisted of the kids kicking the ball up and down the field as the coaches tried to get the ball away from them.
Meanwhile, Parker had been alternating between dad's arms (severely limiting dad's ability to help out) and getting snacks from mom.  Eventually he got bit by the soccer bug and started kicking his little blue ball around.
Then it was time for an actual game.  At this age they play 4 on 4 with no goalie.  So they divided the kids into 2 teams and they were off.  Carter didn't make it long the first time as he fell down in the pack of kids and ran screaming to dad that he wanted to go home.  After several minutes of consoling him (and Parker who wanted to sympathy cry), Carter got back in the game.  He immediately got the ball and ran towards the goal.
Only to take a few laps around the field instead of score.
Eventually someone got the ball from him and another melt down occurred.
He did go back in one more time and managed to avoid a final meltdown.
Soon practice was over and the team did a big "Go Dynamos" cheer.

It should be a very entertaining season!

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