Friday, August 23, 2013

Even More Family Beach Trip

Another day at the beach meant more time at the beach.  The boys woke up and asked for it and mom and dad delivered.  It was perfect weather and the boys took advantage.  Parker dove right in.  It was high tide and the water was flowing like a creek towards the open ocean, so he created a game of throwing toys into the current and watching mom/dad run after them as they floated away.

Turns out even the dump truck can float like a boat

Meanwhile, Carter was a bit worn out after three days with no nap and constant activity.  He was pretty chill and stayed close to dad most of the morning.

After a quick photo op, he decided there was a bit of energy in him and it was time to wrestle with Dad.

Then back for one last splash in the big waves.

So long as Dad had his hands, he was in heaven every time a wave came... Last time at the beach he found the water to be "yucky" and wanted nothing to do with it as it splashed his face... As you can see, this was no issue this time around.

Parker was a bit more cautious, but after two days watching from Mom and Dad's arms, he decided it was time to test out the waves and moving water.

It was a slow entry and he never got past his knees in depth, but he was having fun kicking and splashing the water

Dad and Carter come by to rescue Parker...
Then it was time to explore the beach....
... and chase some birds!

That afternoon, we headed out to Blackbeard's cove for some mini-golf action
Parker seemed to know what to do, just no coordination to do it.
Carter, on the other hand, utilized an interesting cross handed grip and actually did a pretty good job getting around the holes...
Until we made it to the water holes where Parker tried to throw all our balls... and clubs, in the hazards.
As we finished our round, it began to rain, so we let the boys run around the arcade.  It is funny how they get full enjoyment even when the game isn't actually running for them.
After our naps, Parker woke up a bit early from his nap, so...
Golf cart expedition with Dad!
They toured the whole island, finding the backside marsh and watching the small crabs peak in and out of the holes in the sand
and a tour of the fort museum before we headed home for our last night on the island.

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