Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Outside baseball and trips, we didn't have time for much else in July but there were a few highlights including the start of summer pickleball for mom and dad which we prepared for with a fun date night to a local indoor pickleball center.

Avery (9 years, 11 months) - Avery had fun "tricking" Parker that she was sleeping in his room while he was gone for the weekend.

Parker (12 years, 8 months) - Parker and dad also fit in a boy scout camping trip to the Nantahala Outdoor Center. They weren't able to raft but they did get to zipline, raft and paddleboard. Parker also successfully cooked for his patrol for the weekend. Parker and mom also did a service project with his scout troop. The little time Parker had left was spent playing wiffleball and at the pool with friends.

Carter (14 years, 2 months) - Carter and mom joined Young Men Service League this Spring. It is a mother/son philanthropy and leadership group with chapters around the country. There are annual service requirements so we spent a good pit of time together this summer enjoying bonding time while playing bingo with Seniors, packing meals with Open Hand and making care bags for Cure Cancer.

Enjoying his fancy haircut

Siblings - One last summer baseball picture for good measure!

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