Carter (18 months - 4 weeks)It amazes me how much the little guy changes in just a few weeks. When we went to the pediatrician for his 18 month check up they ask how many words he has. I said 15 (Colin said I under counted because I didn't include animal noises). This week, I would easily say it's at least 50. He has a wide range of words beyond all the initial basics such as: car, banana, bowl, cheese, fish, Parker, sauce (Apple Sauce), book, Elmo, etc. He also knows about 10-15 animal sounds including: snake, donkey, cow, lion, rooster, owl, etc.
Carter also understands so much of what we say. We can ask him to do basic activities like bring us things, let the dogs in/out, pick up his toys, go to bed, brush his teeth. He has been in a very affectionate mood lately and freely gives out hugs and kisses. He also loves to say "Hi" and "Bye" while waiving and blowing kisses. He still loves music and dancing. We worked on his touchdown dance this week!
Here are a few pictures from the past week... Carter has enjoyed carrying around his bowls and on this occasion decided to play peek-a-boo with them. Where's Carter?

Peek-a-boo... here he is!

He also LOVES his daddy and has a ball hanging out in his pj's on the weekend while curled up in dad's lap.

Parker (2 weeks)
Parker's weekly changes were a bit more subtle than Carter. He is definitely growing. At his initial Pediatrician appointment last Monday he weighed 4lbs 11 oz (he was 4lbs 13 oz at birth). One week later he is up to 5lbs 3oz. A large part of his and mom's days are spent feeding so it's great to see that all that effort is paying off!
To start the week, Parker probably spent 20 hours a day sleeping...

By the end of the week, he was awake for several stretches a day, usually 30 minutes or so.

He spends that time looking around seemingly trying to figure what crazy things are going on all around him.

When he is sleeping, he makes those adorable baby faces. My favorite are the "smiles". I'm pretty sure he's thinking about how great his parents and big brother are!

It's been a busy week for both boys (and mom/dad!). But it was definitely a very fun week. We're excited to get settled into our new routine and spend this holiday season as a family of four!