Sunday, March 31, 2013


Easter is always a special day.  It's a great time to reflect on all we have been given in life and we get to spend time with extended family.  Our Easter started with the boys going on a search for their Easter baskets.  Parker found his fairly quickly...
While Carter had a bit of a hunt.
The boys loved all their new goodies including books, train cars, art supplies, bath colors and jelly beans.
We spent the rest of the morning playing with their news toys...
before heading to Mimi's house for lunch.  Parker took full advantage of all the extra hands and grabbed some snuggle time with Grannie.  
After a quick snack to refuel...
It was time to put on our bunny ears and head out to see what the Easter Bunny left us.
Carter immediately staked claim to the yard across the street.
But little brother was close behind and warned everyone to stay away from his eggs ;)
Soon Uncle Micheal showed up and the boys wasted no time following his lead.
Strangely there seemed to be new eggs showing up wherever he walked!
Then we headed back inside to check out our loot...
And spend some quality time catching up with family.  We also played a new game called "Dirty Bunny" where the boys came home with a Toys 'R Us gift card and Annie's Bunny Snacks (somehow mom/dad weren't consulted on the choices ;) ).  

A special "thank you" to Uncle Micheal who ate at the kids table with both boys so mom and dad could have a mean children-free.  And to Grannie and Cheryl for the fabulous desserts.  And to Mimi for the wonderful meal and hospitality!  Happy Easter everyone!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Late March

Parker (16 months)
Parker has a new favorite activities lately.  He adores reading books and talking.  The talking is really babbling but he makes all sorts of sounds and has a few new "words" each week.  His favorite words are animal sounds - woof, neigh, quack, moo, meow, etc.

Here are a few pictures of the little guy...
Never leave home without your blanket cape!
Snack time on the couch.  Now that he can climb on it, he loves to be up on it.
Tickle Monster Attack!
Riding in the wagon around the house

The wagon is a close second to P's favorite snack location
P is quite adventurous these days - he loves to play in crazy places like the dog crate

Carter (2 years, 10 months)
Carter is starting to hit a new phase.  He asks "Why" about everything and his favorite words seem to be "No" and "Never".  He has his moments of terrible 2 and terrific 2!

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks...
Memorized by the TV in the car - a very rare treat for good behavior
Enjoying dad's birthday cake
Doing a rain dance
Brother Pictures
As Parker is getting older, the boys are able to play together more frequently.  
They both love nightly dance parties and playing with musical instruments.  

We typically have at least one fun family outing each weekend.  Here are pictures from a recent trip to the Children's Museum and the Zoo.

Carter was really into the show at the museum   He volunteered to answer all the questions (very politely by raising his hand) and he even got chosen to help demonstrate the 5 senses at the end.
What do you hear things with?
Other than that, the boys ran through every inch of the place 2 or 3 times!

Driving the crane
Driving the Tractor
We checked out the Bird show at the zoo.  Parker loved everything and kept trying to pet the birds that were on the ground.  But their favorite part was probably the playground or Merry-go-round.
Waiting for the bird show to start
Ready for the ride to start!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Welcome Wren Burgess

We are all so excited to announce that Carter and Parker are officially cousins!  Aunt Bailie and Uncle Curtis welcomed baby boy Wren L Burgess on March 29 at 8:47 PM.  He weighted 8lb 12oz and was 20.5 inches long.

Here are a few pictures of the adorable little guy!
We can't wait to meet him soon!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

This afternoon was the rescheduled Easter Egg Hunt in our neighborhood (we were rained out on the initial date).  We pulled the wagon out of the basement and loaded the kids up for the occasion.  Parker things the wagon is the best thing ever... especially when Brother is in it too!
We had some time before the hunt so the boys ran around the Tennis Court to get out all their spare energy.

One of our neighbors who is a photographer took some pictures of the kids...

Carter and Neighbor Hailey

Mom also took some pictures... though they aren't quite as fancy!

Soon it was time for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Carter said a quick hello to the Easter bunny.
And they were off...

We tried to get a post-hunt picture, but Parker was terrified and Carter was too distracted by his goodies.
So off we went...
Back home the boys went though their baskets and dad made sure to perform quality control on all the candy ;)