Saturday, April 30, 2016


Avery (1 year, 8 months) - Avery is developing quite the little personality.  She has very strong opinions and typically ends up getting what she wants.  She loves to do whatever her brothers are doing, no baby toys for this girl.  She seems to add a few new words each week and uses those and sign language to communicate.  She is loving the warmer weather, particularly because it means playing with the water table.  Her other favorite past time is reading books.  And she has a new obsession with Elmo ("melmo").
Pulling mom around
Insisting on drinking from a big cup
Enjoying playing with Snapchat
Baby Minion
She likes to go for rides in her baby stroller
Who loves broccoli?

She loves Minnie Mouse
She insisted on playing tennis with her brothers

Big fan of the new playground at Chastain
She wanted to eat dinner with Care Bear
Proudly supporting her country
She loves reading books and it's better with her friends
Always wanting to be like her brothers
Child labor

Huge fan of the water table

Festival fun with Addison

She insisted on wearing Parker's new shoes
She wanted to wear the shades
Whose walking who?

Parker (4 years, 5 months) - Parker is always trying to keep up with his brother and even starting to try and take charge at times.  He is a doting big brother and seems very attached to the dogs lately.  His favorite activity is definitely art and he spends most nights coming up with a new creation for mom/dad/Avery/Mimi/any other family member or his best friend Anders.  He loves school and happily runs in each morning.  He is incredibly sweet, sensitive, artistic and creative.

Having his own fun with Snapchat

Hiding on the couch

Carter (5 years, 11 months) - Carter has been on a sweet kick lately, wanting lots of snuggles and generously showering Avery with affection.  He seems to finally be reaching the point where he is ready for school to end and summer to start, though he will miss his school friends terribly over the summer.  He is gaining confidence with his reading lately and it's made a huge difference.
He picked flowers for mom on a neighborhood walk
PJs and mom's heels
Carter loves Snapchat
After school fun with Mimi


Story time with dad

Tennis is a new favorite sport

Boys sliding together at the Jonquil festival

Waiting for the pig races to start

Playing in Pop's car