Saturday, June 30, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (7 months)
It was a "short" week squeezed between two vacations.  Parker struggled a bit getting back on a good schedule but you couldn't tell it by his smile!
Parker no longer seems to enjoy being on his belly (unless he is sleeping).  He would much rather be sitting or his new love, standing...
Not even a cuddly cat can waive his concentration.

Carter (2 years - 1 month)
Carter had a great week at school, it was barnyard animal week.  They even had a petting zoo at school.   How much fun?  He loved seeing all the relatives at Bailie's wedding and I think he was a little sad to come home and to our "quiet house".  Fortunately we have more fun planned for the next week.  And his always has his best friend...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wedding Pictures

Here are some last pictures from the wedding weekend.  It was so much fun, too bad we can't do it again!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekly Recap

Parker (7 months)
Parker was little grumpy this week because his 2nd tooth is popping through.  It's his other bottom one so he'll be biting fingers in no time!

Carter (2 years - 1 month)
Carter's memory continues to improve and astonish us.  We looked over pictures from our trip and he was able to tell you stories about what happened.  For example, we showed him a picture of a horse at Lee Martinez farm.  He told us the story of how he couldn't feed the horse.  Along the same lines, his vocabulary is expanding rapidly.  We frequently get comments about what a great vocabulary he has.

All that brain activity make the little guy sleepy.  Carter definitely plays and sleeps hard.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wedding Reception

The reception was held outside at the Lincoln Center, a local performing arts venue.  Just like the wedding, Bailie put a lot of care into every detail.  Fortunately, despite the smoke still hovering over the city, the air outside was fine and you couldn’t see any indication of the fires.  
Carter sat with the boys and enjoyed his vegan dinner…

And playing of himself with the table decoration.  He kept grabbing the antique camera, holding it up and saying “Cheese”.
Parker didn’t want to be left out and found a table decoration he enjoyed as well.
Bailie had a toy box for the kids to borrow toys from and crayons/craft paper on the table to color on.
Carter hung out with Pops and Matt (Shea’s boyfriend) who helped him practice his colors.  There was a photo booth inside where we took lots of fun family pictures.
And once everyone was done eating, we burned off the calories from all the desserts on the dance floor.
But we spent most of the evening enjoying time with the family.  It’s so rare we are all together these days with Bailie in Colordao, Reid in NY and us busy with the kids.

It was a long day so around 9:00, the boys were beat (that is 11:00 Atlanta time!).

So we hugged everyone goodbye…
And wished the Newleywed’s a wonderful trip to Costa Rica!  It was a great weekend and the boys were troupers.  Hopefully we will see B&C over the holidays.  If we get any official wedding pictures, I’ll post them later.

A Burgess Wedding

Today is a very exciting day because Aunt B and Uncle C are getting married!  

They choose to have the ceremony in their back yard and it seemed like Bailie spend every minute of the past 9 months planning it.  Guests were greeted with a sign indicating where to go.

The backyard was decorated with special touches like oversized flowers, a quilt with their initials, little flags, potted plants, etc…

Curtis, his sister and some friends even made a back drop for the ceremony.

The boys wanted to look their best for the big day so they decided to take a bath is MeMama’s big tub.  

It was their first bath together and it appears they both had lots of fun.

Soon the boys had to clear out because the ladies were all coming over to get ready.  

We all go our hair and make-up done.  All the girls had fun little touches in their hair.  I got a little flower and mushroom.

Bailie gave everyone their bridesmaid’s gift…. a handpainted figurine of each girl.  Mine also had the boys, Brie and Madie.  

We took a few pictures before the ceremony…
Before we hid the bride away until the ceremony could start.  Colin and the boys came by to hang out since it was so hot outside.

We finished getting Bailie ready because it time to go!

After all Curtis was waiting!

When we got to the house everyone was ready (including Felix).
Curtis’ mom Shelley and Pat walked down together.

Then came the bridesmaids and groomsmen.  And then the boys.

Carter wasn’t too excited about riding in the wagon so Parker went solo…

Carter decided he would rather walk and did so directly into mom’s legs…

After a quick discussion that he would have more fun sitting with dad than standing in the sun, he was off.
Parker, on the other hand, was a hit in the wagon.  He held on tight and smiled the whole way.

Here is a quick picture so you can see what all the bridesmaids wore.

In Colorado, you can marry yourselves without a witness so Bailie and Cusrtis did that.  They then asked Reid, Melissa (Curtis’ Sister) and me to perform the ceremony.

They wrote it themselves and it was very sweet.  Reid got the honors of pronouncing them Husband and Wife!

They were so happy…

And thankful to everyone for braving the heat!

After another quick walk down the aisle with my brother, we were off to the post-wedding party.