Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Parker at 7 Months

Parker is closer to being a toddler than a newborn.  Yes he is 7 months old!  Here is a quick rundown on what he is up to.

Eating  Parker is eating 3 meals a day and nursing/bottles 5 times.  He is back to waking up a few times at night but those tend to be more like snacks.  We give him the occasional solids but he isn't very interested in feeding himself.  He does love to grab the spoon and eat off it.  So far we haven't found a fruit or veggie he won't eat.

Size  Based on our unofficial measurements, Parker weights 16lbs and is 26" tall.  He is wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
Sleep  Parker goes to bed at 7 and wakes up around 6:45.  Unfortunately, he is back to waking up during the night.  He is easy to get back down but hopefully we can break that habit again sometime soon.  We have broken him of his swaddle requirements and he has turned into a tummy sleeper.

Play  Parker changes his preferences frequently.  Sometime he loves being on his tummy, other times he wants to sit or stand up.  He always seems to love jumping and bouncing though.  But his favorite is being held!  He is trying to crawl and his legs seem to know what to do but he isn't sure what to do with his arms.  He will sit for a while until he gets bored with it.
School  Parker is enjoying school.  He likes the activity and watching the other kids.  He is quite the grandma charmer.  Several of the ladies who work at the daycare refer to Parker as their boyfriend.  He gets to hang out in the office quite a bit; it seems like everyone wants to snuggle with Parksie!

Talking  Parker isn't talking and has actually been a bit quieter than usual but he said "MaMa" for the first time this week.  Parker talks a lot with his face though and loves to make eye contact.  He is also a fabulous giggler!
Teething  Parker is cutting his first tooth.  It's on the bottom and is just peeking through.  It's early so we'll see how he handles it.

Brother  Parker's favorite person frequently seems to be Carter.  He loves it when Carter is around and will watch him intently.  If Carter talks or smiles to him, he will usually erupt in laughter.  It's adorable.  

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