Friday, December 31, 2021

New Years Eve

New Years started with enjoying our annual New Years tree!  We debated not doing it this year but the kids asked so it made an appearance.  We spent the evening watching football and celebrating with our neighbors.  It was a strange year but we had lots of highlights and are grateful to experience another year.  Happy New Years!

Thursday, December 30, 2021


We managed to fit in a little non-holiday time this month.  Dad was able to go watch Georgia Tech play Wisconsin in basketball.  And we saw Robert Earn Keene play with some neighborhood friends.

Avery (7 years, 4 months) - Avery had a busy month playing with her buddies and coming up with fun outfits for every occasion.  Her class went to see the Nutcracker Ballet and it was such a hit a group of kids in her class got together to put on a performance of their own Nutcracker during recess.  She also grew up a little this month when she requested to get rid of her old twin bed for a Queen and redecorate her room.  She now likes to spend time up their writing in her diary and making videos for friends.

Class field trip to see the Nutcracker
Cranberry Day
Jillian's birthday party at AR Workshop

Parker (10 years, 1 month) - Parker had a quieter extracurricular month than normal which was a nice change of pace.  He wrapped up his Fall Slammers season with a team party and started off-season conditioning. He played in an annual dodgeball tournament with a bunch of his neighborhood friends.  And he got to perform in the Lower School Winter Musical of the nutcracker as a very cute soldier.  Mainly he enjoyed the mild temps and time to play with friends.

Carter (11 years, 7 months) - Carter had his own winter performance with the Lovett Middle School band where he is in his 3rd year of trombone.  He also played in the dodgeball tournament with some baseball friends.  But most of his free time was spent wrestling.  He is practicing every day after school and was able to make 2 meets this month where he came away with 3 wins (2 pins and 1 on points).  He also got to wrestle several neighborhood friends at one meet which was exciting.  

Siblings - Cute pictures of Parker/Avery practicing their dance moves, getting ready to see Carter wrestle and a beautiful day at the botanical gardens.

Super excited to go watch Carter wrestle
Beautiful day at the Botanical Gardens