Wednesday, August 31, 2022


August was a good month with the return of school-year schedules but we still managed to fit in some end-of-simmer fun.  Dad golfed, mom and dad had a date night to see Lady Gaga, mom had girls night at Yacht Rock and the kids had lots going on.

It was a tiring month

Avery (8 years) - Avery had lots of fun with her birthday celebrations this month and is already working on her Christmas lists.  Dads Club started back at King Springs this month and Avery was excited to have breakfast at school with her dad and a bunch of friends.  She and mom went to see Kids Bop in concert on a sunny Sunday afternoon.  It was hot but Avery enjoyed the music and her "merch".  Avery also started soccer practice and has been enjoying school so far.

Faces of Avery - example 1
Faces of Avery - example 2

Caroline's Birthday Party
Braves day at School

Parker (10 years, 9 months) - Parker enjoyed stretching out the last weeks of summer playing with friends and enjoying video games.  He was a nervous about 5th grade as he doesn't have any close friends in his class but he has had positive reports from the first few weeks.  Baseball started back up (Travel and rec) and he is always excited to play his favorite sport.

Pool time with Christopher and Jackson

Carter (12 years, 3 months) - Baseball doesn't start until next month for Carter so he has been doing a few lessons and knocking out some boy scout requirements.  He and dad took their annual father/son camping trip to the Nantahala Outdoor Center where they enjoyed a weekend of rafting, zip lines, nerf gun wars and hanging out with friends.

A silent car ride

Siblings - With Avery at school the boys did a few days at Braves baseball camp and got to meet Mark Wohlers.

With the boys being home Avery had been spoiled by dirt bike pick-ups.  She loves it and the boys seem to as well.

Boys at Phillip's birthday party

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Back to School

Avery started school early this year with her first day of Third grade on August 1.  She was very excited for the new year!  Third grade brings some exciting changes for Avery, they switch teachers this year between Humanities and Math/Content, they are on the top floor of the school and Avery was selected to be a Learnings Common Leader.  This means she gets to come to school early every Thursday to help in the library such as checking-in/out and shelving books.  

Annual neighborhood King Springs Elementary Picture
First Day of K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd

The boys had a few more weeks to prepare with School starting on August 17th.  Parker is in 5th grade which is the last year of Lower (Elementary) School and Carter is in 7th Grade which is the middle of Middle School.  Most of school for the boys will stay the same this year but Parker starts to change class between Humanities and ISM (Integrated Science/Math).  He is also playing the Trombone in the band of his music class.  Carter has picked Engineering and Digital Design for his elective this year and is ready to move to the second floor of the Middle School building.

It is going to be a great year for the Holden kids!